Class Schedule & Course Information
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Class Schedule
The schedule can be accessed by clicking the following link: Dynamic Schedule
STUDENTS should access the Dynamic Schedule by logging into TreeHouse and clicking Look Up Classes from the Registration Tools box.
FACULTY should access the Dynamic Schedule by logging into TreeHouse, under the Faculty tab, click Look Up Classes from the Faculty Tools box or clicking the above link.
Instructions on how to use the class search are available here.
Course Numbering
100s: lower level introductory material; primarily for first-year students
200s: intermediate level presupposes introductory course work or similar experience; primarily for first-year students and sophomores
300s-400s: upper level intensive or specialized study of a subject; primarily for juniors and seniors; open to sophomores unless otherwise specified; first-year students may be admitted only with approval of both adviser and instructor
500s: introductory graduate courses, open to advanced UG students
600s: intermediate graduate courses
700s: advanced graduate courses
800s: internships, practicums, and clinicals
900s: research, portfolios, theses, and dissertations
1–9 lower level: introductory material; primarily for first-year students
10–99 intermediate level: presupposes introductory course work or similar experience; primarily for first-year students and sophomores
100–199 upper level: intensive or specialized study of a subject; primarily for juniors and seniors; open to sophomores unless otherwise specified; first-year students may be admitted only with approval of both adviser and instructor
*Course numbers with an X at the end represents coursework converted from our prior student information system into our current student information system. It still abides by the leveling listed above.
Credit Hours
Drew University’s academic year is separated into two fall and spring semesters, a summer term, and a January intensive. The unit of credit is the semester hour, based on the Federal standard of a total of 45 learning hours for every l credit earned in a semester, regardless of the time frame or format of instruction.
Repeat Codes
Students may repeat coursework within the guidelines of the university repeat policy and approval from the instructor. The original grade earned remains on the transcript and may or may not count in the GPA depending on the type of repeat.
- I – Include in GPA and include in earned hours.
- E – Exclude from GPA and exclude from earned hours.
- A – Include in GPA but exclude from earned hours.