Approving a Declaration/Change of Major/Minor

When a student requests to add or drop a major by completing this process, the Department Chair will automatically be sent an email from the Registrar’s email account ( with the request and a link to approve or reject the request.  All current workflow tasks can also be found HERE.

The Department Chair will click on the link from the email which opens the “Banner Workflow” application.  The workflow will have an area to approve or reject the request.  The “Banner Workflow” application will look similar to below:

Workflow Status List

Follow the instructions to “Approve,” “Reject,” or “Return for Rework” as indicated in the workflow.

TO APPROVE: Select “Approve” and click “Complete.

Please wait approximately 30 seconds after clicking “Complete” in the prior step, and then refresh your Worklist by clicking the “Home” icon in the upper left corner and selecting “Worklist” from the expanded menu.


The workflow will re-populate with the student’s request. Select the student’s request.

Assign the student a new major advisor by selecting the advisor from the drop-down menu and clicking “Complete.”Select-advisor

Refresh your Worklist as above by clicking “Home” and then “Worklist” in the top left menu. Select the student’s name again in order to confirm the advisor.
  • To confirm the new major advisor, select “Approve” and click “Complete.” If this is not the correct advisor, choose “Reject” and you will be returned to the Advisor List, where you may select a different advisor. After you have approved the correct Advisor, the student will receive an email notification from the Registrar’s Office stating that the request was approved, and the email will inform the student of their new advisor.
  • This completes the approval portion of the change/declaration of a major/minor request.
  • TO REJECT OR RETURN FOR REWORK: On the Approval Activity page, select “Reject” or “Return for Rework” and click “Complete.”
    • Please wait approximately 30 seconds after clicking “Complete” in the prior step, and then refresh your Worklist by clicking the “Home” icon in the upper left corner and selecting “Worklist” from the expanded menu.
  • The workflow will re-populate with the student’s request. Select the student’s request.


  • Enter either the reason for the rejection or describe the additional work needed to approve this request (Rework) in the Comments box and click “Complete.” The student will be emailed a notification from the Registrar’s Office stating that the request has been rejected, and the email will include the comments you entered.
    Enter Either The Reason
  • This completes the rejection portion of the change/declaration of a major/minor request.