Coursedog is a one-stop workflow platform that allows you to create and edit courses, propose a new major or minor, add courses to the schedule for a specific term, build the section(s) of a course, edit existing sections, and many other functions within scheduling and curriculum. Departments are also able to update their department page in the public-facing Academic Catalog through Coursedog.
Click here to request access to Coursedog.
Click here to schedule Coursedog training with the Registrar’s Office.
Known Issues
The Registrar’s Office is aware of the following issues and is working with Coursedog to resolve them:

  • When adding an instructor you may receive an add instructor detail and role error message.
    • You will need to click the “Set Instructor Roles & Details” button and click save. You do not have to do anything in the popup other than click save. We have alerted Coursedog of the issue and hope to have a resolution soon.
  • In Scheduling, Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Restrictions are not available for viewing.
  • All section codes in Scheduling are now three-digit numbers; we no longer assign alphanumeric codes to sections
    • Section numbers are autogenerated in Coursedog when the section is created.
    • Section numbers do not correspond with timeblocks or part of term.
  • Course Analytics data is not entirely accurate.
    • Course Analytics shows average course size, so the stats may look off. For instance, if you have two sections of a course, one with 15 students and one with 16 students, it will give you the average cap of 15.5 students.
    • This is in progress with Coursedog.
  • Some automated emails will have random alphanumeric characters for the request type or name.
    • This is in progress with Coursedog.


Detailed Instructions for Using Coursedog Scheduling
Click HERE for written (printable) instructions. See also FAQs below.

Click HERE for video instructions. (LINK FORTHCOMING)

Canceling a Section After Registration Has Opened
Please click HERE for detailed (printable) instructions.
Updating a Section After Open Editing Has Closed
The “Requests” function of Coursedog will allow you to add, edit, or delete sections after the “open editing” stage of scheduling has closed and you can no longer make changes in the Section Dashbaord. Click HERE for detailed (printable) instructions.


  • Log into Coursedog Scheduling.
  • If Scheduling is closed, follow the instructions below; if Scheduling is still open, you can edit the section directly in the Section Dashboard.
  • Select “Requests” from the menu on the left.

  • Click the button at the top left.
  • Select “Section Change” from the drop-down menu.

  • Click “Create Request” to begin your Section Change request
  • Indicate the type of request you are making (e.g. “Edit Section”) and search for the course in question.
  • Indicate briefly why you are making this request in the required “Reason for request” field.

  • Scroll down to the Current Section Information and update any editable fields as necessary.
  • Scroll back to the top of the screen to submit your request.
  • Please see this document for more detailed information on requesting section edits.
Using Coursedog Reports
Coursedog offers a wide variety of analytics, and course data is exportable through the Reports function.  Please click HERE for detailed instructions on using Coursedog Reports.
Submitting Schedules for Validation

Once you have finished creating and editing your course schedule, you can submit your schedule for validation. This brings you a comprehensive list of any errors/rule violations in your department for resolution. Once all errors have been resolved and your schedule has been submitted for validation, your department schedule is routed for Dean’s Office review.

To submit your schedule for validation, please follow these steps:

  • From the Scheduling homepage, select “Section Dashboard” from the menu on the left:

  • Click “Departments” above your list of classes:

  • Click “Validate Schedule” above your department’s list of courses:

  • This will open a menu showing all errors and conflicts in your department schedule.
    • IMPORTANT: all errors listed here must be resolved before the schedule can be submitted.

  • Once all errors have been resolved, click  to send your schedule to the Dean’s Office for review.
  • Coursedog’s Help Center provides more information on Schedule Validation here.
Coursedog Support
  • Coursedog offers a comprehensive knowledge base and app support for users. From within Coursedog, click on “HELP CENTER” in the upper right corner of the screen or visit this webpage.
  • To schedule a one-on-one training session, please email the Registrar’s Office: [email protected].


Select the action to complete from the list below to see instructions on how to access the appropriate form.

If you are editing any catalog copy in Coursedog, please click here for detailed instructions on how to edit.

Courses - Add New or Deactivate Existing
Login to Coursedog

Select Curriculum from the Product page. (If you only have access to Curriculum, you will login directly to the home page.)

Select New Proposal from the right-hand side under Actions.

Select Course Form from the “What type of form are you looking for” drop-down.

Select the appropriate form from the “What type of course change are you hoping to make?” drop-down.

  • New Course Proposal – submit a new course for review.
  • Deactivate an Existing Course – submit a request to deactivate an existing course (remove from the catalog).
    • Courses not planning to be taught in the next five years should be deactivated.


Courses - Edit Existing
NOTE: If you wish to complete a section edit (as opposed to a course edit), please see How do I edit a section after the open editing phase of Scheduling has ended?

To edit an existing course:

Login to Coursedog

Select Curriculum from the Product page. (If you only have access to curriculum, you will login directly to the home page.)

Select New Proposal from the right-hand side under Actions.

Select Course Form from the “What type of form are you looking for” drop-down.

Select the Changes to an Existing Course from the “What type of course change are you hoping to make?” drop-down.

Select the appropriate term to implement the change from the Effective Start Term drop-down. Leave Effective End Term blank.

Search for the course to edit either by subject code/course number or by title.


Curriculum - Add New
Login to Coursedog

Select Curriculum from the Product page. (If you only have access to curriculum, you will login directly to the home page.)

Select New Proposal from the right-hand side under Actions.

Select  Major/Minor Form from the “What type of form are you looking for” drop-down.

Select the appropriate form from the “What type of change are you hoping to make?” drop-down.

  • New Major/Certificate Proposal – submit a new major or certificate for review.
  • New Minor Proposal – submit a new minor for review.


Curriculum - Edit Existing
Login to Coursedog

Select Curriculum from the Product page. (If you only have access to curriculum, you will login directly to the home page.)

Select New Proposal from the right-hand side under Actions.

Select  Major/Minor Form from the “What type of form are you looking for” drop-down.

Select the appropriate form from the “What type of change are you hoping to make?” drop-down.

  • Changes to an Existing Major – make changes to an existing major/certificate including changes to requirements, concentrations, etc.
  • Changes to an Existing Minor – make changes to an existing minor including changes to requirements, program description, etc.

Select the appropriate term to implement the change from the Effective Start Term drop-down. Leave Effective End Term blank.

Search for the major/minor/concentration to edit by code or description.



Changes to the Department page in the public-facing Academic Catalog can be made via the Catalog platform in Coursedog. Click here to access instructions.


Logging in

How do I access Coursedog?

What can I do in Coursedog?

Getting Started: Scheduling

How do I access Scheduling?

How do I change the term?

How do I add a course to my course list?

I added the wrong course – how do I delete it from the course list?

How do I add a section to my course?

How do I add multiple sections to a course?

How do I delete an existing section?

How do I cancel a class without fully deleting the existing section?

Working Within the Section Dashboard

How do I create or edit the section details for an existing section?

Which fields are required in order to save a section?

I’ve begun building my section, but I need to return at a later time to finish. Will my changes be saved?

Should I add something in the “Long Section Title” field?

Which grade mode should I select in the “Grade Mode” field?

Which term should I select in the “Part Of Term” field?


Can I add or remove attributes?

How do I request approval to add a Gen Ed attribute?

Meeting Patterns (Days/Times)

How do I set the meeting pattern for a section?

How do I search for a specific meeting pattern within available options?

Can I schedule a section for a timeblock not listed in the menu?

What if the course is independently scheduled?

What if the meeting time has not yet been decided?

Can I add multiple meeting patterns?

How do I edit a meeting pattern I’ve already added?


How do I assign an instructor to a section?

I only see a list of instructors from my own department; how do I add an instructor from another department?

I’m trying to add the instructor, but I can’t save my selection. What should I do?

Can I add multiple instructors to a section?


How do I indicate that a course is cross-listed?

How do I determine max enrollment for each course that is cross-listed?

Section Edit Requests

How do I edit a section after the open editing phase of Scheduling has ended?


Why can’t I save my section?

I’ve made changes in Coursedog that are not appearing in Banner/the Argos reports/the Dynamic Schedule. Why is that?

Why do I get error messages at the top of my screen when I add a section?

<!– –> How do I access Coursedog?

<!– –> What can I do in Coursedog?

  • Depending on access, you may have one or up to three products available to you in Coursedog: 
    • Scheduling – build each term’s schedule of classes
    • Curriculum – view courses and major/minor requirements
    • Catalog – suggest changes to department pages
  • Please note: to start, only department chairs will have access to Coursedog.

<!– –> How do I access Scheduling?

  • On the “Your Products” page, click the Scheduling icon on the left.
  • NOTE: Some users may open directly into the Scheduling product and will not see the screen below.
  • Once you’re in the Scheduling platform, open the Section Dashboard one of two ways:
    • Click the department name under the “Departmental Status” OR
    • Select “Section Dashboard” from the menu on the left side of the screen.

Reference steps 2-3a in the Coursedog Scheduling Instructions document.

<!– –> How do I change the term?

  • Open the Section Dashboard.
  • Click on the semester/year at the top left of the screen. This will open a dropdown menu.
  • Select the new term you want to work in from the drop-down menu

Reference step 3 in the Coursedog Scheduling Instructions document.

<!– –> How do I add a course to my course list?

  • Click the COURSES button from just below the Select Term dropdown:

  • If you do not see your desired course listed here, click the button near the top of the screen.
  • Search for the course you wish to add by Subject+Course Number, by title, or by topic.
  • Select the course and click in the lower right corner.

Reference step 5 in the Coursedog Scheduling Instructions document.

<!– –> I added the wrong course – how do I delete it from the course list?

  • In your list of courses, click on the in the row of the course you want to delete from the schedule.
  • Click “DELETE COURSE” in the lower right corner of the pop-up window:

    • Please note that this will delete the course from this term only; it will not permanently delete the course from the catalog.

<!– –> How do I add a section to my course?

  • On the Section Dashboard, click the button at the top of the screen
  • Search for the desired course by Subject+Course Number, by title, or by topic. Click on the course title to select it.
  • Once you’ve selected the correct course, click the “ADD SECTION” button from the bottom right corner. 

  • This will open the editor for you to enter section information.

Reference step 5f in the Coursedog Scheduling Instructions document.

<!––>How do I add multiple sections to a single course?

  • You can build each section through the same process cited above. Coursedog will assign section numbers in sequential order; these section numbers can be edited if necessary.

<!––>How do I delete a section from the course list?

  • In your list of sections, click on the section number of the class to open the section editor.
  • Click “DELETE SECTION” in the lower left corner.

<!– –>How do I cancel a class without fully deleting the existing section?

  • In your list of sections, click on the section number of the class to open the section editor.
  • Set the Section Status to “Canceled” using the drop-down menu:

  • Remove the meeting pattern from the class:
    • In “Meeting Patterns & Timeblocks,” hover on the meeting pattern that has been set for the class
    • Click the  to the left of the meeting pattern to delete the days and times associated with the class

  • Remove the instructor from the class:
    • In the “Instructors” block, hover on the instructor who has been set for the class
    • Click the   to the left of the instructor’s name to delete

  • In the “Enrollment Settings” block, set the Enrollment Capacity to 0

  • Click  . NOTE: even though the class has now been canceled, the section number will still appear in the list of sections on your Section Dashboard.

<!––>How do I create or edit the section details for an existing section?

  • Confirm that Scheduling is still in the “open editing” phase for the semester in question

(NOTE: if Scheduling is no longer in open editing, follow instructions below for making a Section Edit Request below)

  • In your list of sections, click on the course subject + number or on the section number of the class to open the editor for that section:

<!––>Which fields are required in order to save a section?

  • In General Information, required fields are indicated with an red “required” tag.

  • Make sure all of the required fields in the General Information box are completed, including “Schedule Type” and the final exam indicator (select YES or NO).

  • The “Enrollment Capacity” field in the Enrollment Settings box is also a required field.

  • Once all required fields have been completed, click the  button. This will save your progress for you to access at a later time.

<!––>I’ve begun building my section, but I need to return at a later time to finish. Will my changes be saved?

  • There is no autosave. Prior to closing the section editor, you must manually save any updates by clicking the   button at the bottom of the screen (or SAVE SECTION button, if you have already saved and exited the section). 
  • NOTE: all required fields in General Information (indicated by the red “required” tag) as well as the max enrollment capacity in Enrollment Settings must be complete before you can add your section. If a required field is not complete, the  button will become greyed out and you will see a warning sign next to the required field.

<!––>Should I add something in the “Long Section Title” field within General Information?

  • The Long Section Title only needs to be added if the course is a topics class and you wish for students to see the specific section title in the Dynamic Schedule when they browse classes.
  • If a Section Title is added here, it will replace the Long Course Title on the Dynamic Schedule. Note that this field has a 100-character limit.
  • If you prefer that the Long Course Title appear in the Dynamic Schedule instead, leave this field blank.

<!––>Which grade mode should I select in the “Grade Mode” field?

  • Grade Mode defaults to “Set Grade Mode” at the course level and should be left as is UNLESS:
    • You want to restrict all students from being able to select a different grade mode than the default (e.g. not allow pass/fail).
      • Students normally have the option to change their grade mode to any of the other grade modes listed in this menu during add/drop.
  • Adding a value in this field will restrict students to only be able to register in that specific grade mode, and even exceptions made in ASC or GASC cannot be processed.

<!––>Which term should I select in the “Part Of Term” field?

  • “Part of Term” will default to “Full Term”(15-week classes in Fall and Spring, 12- week classes in Summer).
  • If you are running a first- or second-half term class, please select the appropriate term using the drop-down menu.

  • “Drew Restrictive Reg Term” is for Registrar’s Office use only.

<!– –>Can I add or remove attributes?

  • Attributes can be added and/or removed within the Section Attributes box, using the corresponding drop-down menus. NOTE: Adding Gen Ed attributes requires CAPC approval.

<!– –>How do I request approval to add a Gen Ed attribute?

  • Once you have entered the attribute(s) you wish to add, you will be prompted to answer several attribute-specific questions and upload a copy of your syllabus. If you are seeking approval for multiple Gen Ed attributes, please address all requested attributes in each question.
  • Upon saving the section, your request will be routed to CAPC for review.

<!––>How do I set the meeting pattern for a section?

  • Click on to select the correct meeting days and times for this class section from the options provided. This will open a pop-up box where you can search for the desired timeblock within a pre-established menu of meeting patterns.
  • For custom meeting times, click “USE CUSTOM TIMES” in the lower left corner of the pop-up box.
    • Click on the requested day(s) and enter the requested start and end times.
    • NOTE: deviation from available timeblocks requires approval from the Dean’s Office, which will occur during the Dean’s Office review. Please note that they may follow up with you.


<!– –>How do I search for a specific meeting pattern within available options?

  • At the top of the meeting pattern pop-up box, you can filter by the day and/or the time to narrow your options.

<!––>Can I schedule a section for a timeblock not listed in the menu?

  • Yes.  For custom meeting times, follow these instructions:
    • Click on the button
    • Click “USE CUSTOM TIMES” in the lower left corner of the pop-up box.
      • Click on the requested day(s) and enter the requested start and end times.
      • NOTE: deviation from available timeblocks requires approval from the Dean’s Office, which will occur during the Dean’s Office review. Please note that they may follow up with you.


<!––>What if the course is independently scheduled?

  • Click on the button
  • Search for “TBA” in the Filter By Attributes field, then select the timeblock labeled “No Days and No Times.”
  • This will display to students in the same way that Independently Scheduled sections currently appear–with no meeting time or dates. It will not say “Meeting Time TBA” on the schedule.

<!––>What if the meeting time has not yet been decided?

  • Click on the button
  • Search for “TBA” in the Filter By Attributes field, then select the timeblock labeled “No Days and No Times.”
  • This will display to students in the same way that Independently Scheduled sections currently appear–with no meeting time or dates. It will not say “Meeting Time TBA” on the schedule.

<!––>Can I add multiple meeting patterns?

  • Yes. Once you have established the initial meeting pattern, click again on the  button to select additional days and times.

<!––>How do I edit a meeting pattern I’ve already added?

  • To edit a meeting pattern you have already added, click on it and select a new meeting pattern.  This will replace your initial selection.


  • To completely delete a meeting pattern you have already added, hover on the meeting days to access the delete icon.

<!––>How do I assign an instructor to a section?

  • For a single instructor:
    • Click . This will open a pop-up box to allow you to search for the instructor.
    • Scroll through the menu or enter the name of the instructor in the search box.
    • Click on the instructor’s name to set the assignment.

  • For two (or more) instructors:
    • Complete the above steps for each instructor you wish to assign.
    • Click  at the bottom of the Instructor field.
    • Click the next to the name of any instructor who is NOT the primary instructor (the primary instructor provides overrides for students)
      • Change the Instr. Role field to “Non-Primary”
      • Click the SAVE button in the lower right corner of the box.
      • Repeat this process for all non-primary instructors


<!– –>I only see a list of instructors from my own department; how do I add an instructor from another department?

  • Click the button.
  • Turn “off” the toggle for your department and turn “on” the toggle for All Instructors, located at the top of the pop-up box. This will generate a list of all possible instructors to select from.  

<!––>I’m trying to add the instructor, but I can’t save my selection. What should I do?

  • Be sure to first set the meeting pattern before you add the instructor.

<!––>Can I add multiple instructors to a section?

  • Yes. Multiple instructors may be assigned as follows:
    • Click the button. This will open a pop-up box to allow you to search for the instructor.
    • Scroll through the menu or enter the name of the instructor in the search box.
    • Click on the instructor’s name to set the assignment.
    • Complete the above steps for each instructor you wish to assign.
    • Click  at the bottom of the Instructor field.
    • Click the next to the name of any instructor who is NOT the primary instructor (the primary instructor provides overrides for students)
      • Change the Instr. Role field to “Non-Primary”
      • Click the SAVE button in the lower right corner of the box.
      • Repeat this process for all non-primary instructors


<!– –>How do I indicate that a course is cross-listed?

  • Create all sections of the course.
  • After the first section is created, subsequent sections will receive a “Section Conflict” message when saving. If the section(s) listed is the section you intend to cross-list, proceed by clicking “SAVE SECTION.”
  • After adding the instructor to the second section of the cross-listing, click “SET INSTRUCTOR ROLES & DETAILS,” then click on the instructor’s name to expand the menu.


  • Set the “Ignore Double Bookings” indicator to YES.

  • Click “SAVE” and proceed to build the relationship as outlined in the steps below.
  • Once you’ve created and saved all sections, you’ll build the cross-listing in one of the sections:
    • In the Cross-Listing box on either section, click . This will open a window with the details for the cross-listing:
      • Relationship Name: Please use this convention: Course Subject+Number/Course Subject+Number (e.g. ANTH304/PAST306)
      • Combined Max Enrollment: enter the total combined class cap here.
      • Relationship: Select “Same Time Same Day Same Room” from the drop-down menu.
      • Notes: Skip this field.
      • Relationship Courses (in the upper right corner) – Course to add:
        • Begin to type the course subject/number (e.g. BST350). Select the course you need to cross-list.
        • This will create a drop-down menu to select the section of the course you’re cross-listing.
        • Choose the section to be cross-listed.
        • Click the “+” button to add that section into the cross-listing.
      • Once you see all sections of the cross-listing highlighted in gray on the right side of the screen, click “SAVE” to save the cross-listing
      • Click “SAVE SECTION” to save the entire section and retain all changes.

<!– –>How do I determine max enrollment for each course that is cross-listed?

  • If your class will be cross-listed, each section should have a cap that is equal to the total number of students that will be allowed to register across all cross-listed sections (e.g. if ENGH 373  is cross-listed with ECON 350 and should seat a total of 16 students, then ENGH 373 should have an individual cap of 16 and ECON 350 should have an individual cap of 16).
  • This number must be entered in the Enrollment Settings box for each course as well as in the Cross-Listing box, in the “Combined Max Enrollment” field.

<!––>How do I edit a section after the “open editing” phase of Scheduling has ended?

  • Log into Coursedog Scheduling.
  • If Scheduling is closed, follow the instructions below; if Scheduling is still open, you can edit the section directly in the Section Dashboard.
  • Select “Requests” from the menu on the left.

  • Click the button at the top left.
  • Select “Section Change” from the drop-down menu.

  • Click “Create Request” to begin your Section Change request
  • Indicate the type of request you are making (e.g. “Edit Section”) and search for the course in question.
  • Indicate briefly why you are making this request in the required “Reason for request” field.

  • Scroll down to the Current Section Information and update any editable fields as necessary.
  • Scroll back to the top of the screen to submit your request.
  • Please see this document for more detailed information on requesting section edits.

<!––>Why can’t I save my section?

  • Double check that all required fields are indeed complete. The following are easy to overlook:
    • Schedule Type in “General Information”: select from the drop-down menu
    • Final exam indicator in “General Information”: click YES or NO to complete this field.
    • Max enrollment capacity in “Enrollment Settings”: enter the maximum enrollment (class cap) for the section.
  • NOTE: If a required field is not complete, the button will become greyed out and you will see a warning sign next to the required field.

<!– –>I’ve made changes in Coursedog that are not appearing in Banner/the Argos reports/the Dynamic Schedule. Why is that?

  • Not all fields write back to Banner immediately – some are immediately, some are nightly, some require manual intervention from the Registrar’s office
    • Immediate update: section status, grade mode, part of term, meeting/session type, meetings days/times, instructor(s), enrollment capacity, instructor signature required.
    • Nightly update: cross-listings.
    • Manual update: attributes changes, final exam, prerequisites, restrictions, section fees.
  • Changes submitted via Request will not be reflected in the schedule until they have been fully approved in the workflow.

<!––>Why do I get error messages at the top of my screen when I add a section?

  • Until the meeting pattern and instructor are set, you will see error messages at the top of the section editor to remind you to complete these fields. The error messages will disappear once you add these fields.
  • You may also see an error messages to alert you of any issues to follow up on (e.g. “This section has not yet been synced with the SIS”)