
The roster verification process occurs each term beginning in the second week of classes through the third week.

The roster verification process is an opportunity for instructors to review their rosters and ensure they are complete and correct. Federal regulations require that the institution maintains attendance records for all classes each term, in addition to providing accurate enrollment numbers to the National Student Clearinghouse after the add/drop period.

Who Should Complete

All classes with a roster should participate in roster verification, including: labs, directed research, independent studies, recitations, music lessons, etc. This will allow for verification of all registrations and time to contact students at the start of the term instead of when grades are due. If a class is cross-listed, each CRN must be submitted as a separate roster verification.

How to Complete

An e-mail will be sent from the Registrar’s Office to all instructors providing instructions, deadlines, and a link to the Roster Verification form. The form can always be accessed by clicking HERE.

  • Instructors should login to TreeHouse (treehouse.drew.edu/home.drew.edu) and select “Current Course Information” from under the Faculty tab.
  • Select “Summary Class List” and select the appropriate term from the drop-down.
  • Verify the roster against attendance records.
  • Submit the Roster Verification form and indicate one or more of the following:
    • if any students are missing from the roster (adds)
    • if any students have never attended the class or started attending then stopped (drops)
    • verify the roster is correct

What the Registrar’s Office Does

Requests to Add: The Office of the Registrar emails students who are requested to be added to a class and tells them to submit an academic standing petition for late registration. The student receives a response from the committee and, if approved, the student is manually registered for the class as it is after the add deadline. Students need to initiate the request for registration to provide their approval of any financial obligation that may result from the registration.

  • The Academic Standing Committee (ASC) meets once a week.
  • The Graduate Academic Standing Committee (GASC) meets every other week (requests are reviewed weekly during high submission times).

Requests to Drop (Never Attended): The Office of the Registrar manually drops and emails a drop confirmation to students who are noted as “never attended” or who have expressly stated to the instructor they plan to drop and have not done so. Any student who comes back and wants to take the class would need to submit an academic standing petition for late registration.

Requests to Drop (Attended then Stopped): The Office of the Registrar emails students who are requested to be dropped from a class though they attended and tells them to submit an academic standing petition for late withdrawal. The student receives a response from the committee and, if approved, the student is manually dropped for the class as it is after the drop deadline. Students need to initiate the request providing a reason for why the class was not dropped within the appropriate time period. If a student does not take action, the instructor should grade them accordingly at the end of the term.

  • The Academic Standing Committee (ASC) meets once a week.
  • The Graduate Academic Standing Committee (GASC) meets every other week (requests are reviewed weekly during high submission times).