Frequently Asked Questions: Registration


Students are emailed the Thursday before registration begins letting them know how to view their registration date and time. The instructions are also available online on the Registration page. At the bottom of that section, there is a generic registration schedule available for viewing. All registration times are in Eastern Time ET Eastern Standard EST or Eastern Daylight EDT depending on time of year).

Registration Week
Monday Wednesday Friday Following Wednesday
8:00 AM Graduate and
UG 92+ earned credits
UG 56-91 earned credits UG 27-55 earned credits UG 0-26 earned credits

Detailed class search instructions for students and faculty/staff are available on the Registration page.

Registration time tickets are based on overall earned credit hours (institutionally earned credit + transfer credit) in the registration system as of the morning of the Wednesday before the first day of registration. Earned hours do not include in-progress credits or classes that were withdrawn or failed. Transfer credit needed to be submitted via final official transcript two weeks prior to registration, in order to be included in the time ticket calculation. Time tickets will not be changed if earned hours have changed after the Wednesday before registration week. Ladder shows both earned and in progress hours and should NOT be referenced when determining earned hours.

Please follow the instructions available on the Registration page to view if you have a time ticket or not. Students who have applied to graduate for a term prior to the registration term and are not continuing into another Drew program do not receive a time ticket for the upcoming term. You can view a submitted application to graduate by following the instructions here. If you are no longer planning to graduate in that term, email with your name and DrewID and ask us to remove your application to graduate and receive a registration time ticket. If you did not apply to graduate and do not have a time ticket email with your name and DrewID to request to be granted a time ticket. 

Unless otherwise notified from the university, students will need a PIN to register for classes or to make any changes to their schedule. All students should communicate with their advisors prior to registration to plan their schedule and receive their PIN. Communicating with your advisor is the best way to ensure that your course selections and academic plans are optimizing your progress towards your degree. If you are unable to reach your advisor, please reach out to the department chair of your program.

Please note that PINs are specific to a given term; PINs for Fall registration begin with the number 1, while PINS for Spring registration begin with the number 3. Be sure you are using the correct PIN for the term in which you are registering (this includes making any changes to your schedule).

If you receive a registration error message, please reference the Registration Error Messages and What to Do section of the registration website.  It defines each registration error and who to contact for resolution. If an instructor has granted you an override, you may view it on the same page as your registration time ticket. Instructions on how to access are available here

Faculty: you must enter the correct override for it to allow the student to register. Please reference the faculty override instructions here which details the error messages and which override to enter for the student.

Please ensure you are an active student, you can do so by following the instructions to view your registration status/time ticket here. If you see:
you will need to complete the appropriate re-entry form online for your college: CaspersenTheoUndergraduate, students receive a time ticket as a part of the re-entry process.

If you are an active student and you do not have a time ticket, please check if you submitted application to graduate by following the instructions here. If you are no longer planning to graduate in in the term prior to registration, email with your name and DrewID and ask us to remove your application to graduate and request a time ticket. 

Detailed instructions on how to add yourself to a waitlist and register for a class once a waitlist notification is received is available on the Registration page.

Dropping a class without a W occurs during the add/drop period and removes a class completely from a student’s schedule and record. This only happens if a student drops a class before the term starts or during the add/drop period at the beginning of the term. It is only used for a student who never attended or only attended within the add/drop period at the start of a term.

Dropping a class with a W is withdrawing from a class in which the student attended after the add/drop period ended. The class remains on the student’s schedule, is counted towards the student’s time status, will receive a W grade, and is included in financial assessment. The W grade does not effect a student’s GPA, but is visible on the transcript.

Technology questions should be submitted via email to

Students should reference the catalog or their Ladder to view which classes will count towards requirements. If a class is not listed, students should reach out to their advisor/program director to discuss what may or may not count for a requirement.

If a student is using the “Look Up Classes” link from the “Register, Add or Drop Classes” page in TreeHouse, they will need to click the CRN to view the meeting type under Scheduled Meeting Times. More information about meeting types is available on the Registration page.

The week of Fall registration, time ticketing will be turned on, which means you need a time ticket to register for any open term. If you need to register for the summer term and you did not receive a summer time ticket, you can either wait until after 10 AM of the final day of Fall registration when time ticketing is turned off, or you can email with your name and DrewID to ask for a summer time ticket that will allow you to register.

Students are emailed the Monday before registration to let them know if they have a hold that will block registration. Students need to resolve any registration-blocking holds in order to register. Please reference here on how to view your holds. The below chart indicates the type of hold and which office to contact to resolve.

Hold Type Whom to Contact to Resolve the Hold
Academic Services Hold Advisor/Program Director
Dean of Students/Not Anymore Office of Campus Life and Student Affairs – Ehinger Center RM 147 – 973.408.3390
Financial Aid Office of Financial Assistance  – Brother’s College Lower Level RM 11 – 973.408.3112
Health Hold Health Services – Morris Health Center (behind Simon Forum) – 973.408.3414
Refer to any emails sent to you from Health Services for what you are missing and instructions on how to submit.
INTO Document Hold International Student & Scholar Services – Tilghman House – 973.408.3182
INTO Financial Hold International Student & Scholar Services – Tilghman House – 973.408.3182
Major Declaration Declare a major via TreeHouse:
Click the Declare of Change Major/Minor link from the Registrar box under the Student tab of TreeHouse.
Perkins Loan Office of Financial Assistance  – Brother’s College Lower Level RM 11 – 973.408.3112
Re-Entry Complete the appropriate re-entry form online for your college: CaspersenTheoUndergraduate
Re-entry Required: Not Reg’d Complete the appropriate re-entry form online for your college: CaspersenTheoUndergraduate Center for Academic Excellence – 973.408.3327
Registrar Registrar’s Office – Brother’s College Lower Level RM 6 – 973.408.3025
Registration Hold (Stdt Accts) Student Accounts – Brother’s College Lower Level RM 8 – 973.408.3114
Student Accounts Student Accounts – Brother’s College Lower Level RM 8 – 973.408.3114
Student Conduct Office of Campus Life and Student Affairs – Ehinger Center RM 147 – 973.408.3453

Undergraduate students are required to be full-time (12+ credits) each Fall and Spring term and are charged full-time tuition. Any requests for an exception to that policy needs to be submitted to the academic standing committee for review. Any questions regarding tuition charges should be directed to Student Accounts.