Educational Opportunity Scholars /EOF
Educational Opportunity Scholars
Embury Hall, 1st Floor
Success Stories
“Nevaeh encapsulates a lot of what Drew is working to support—a first-generation college student and Educational Opportunity Scholar (EOS) with strong grades and academic promise.”
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About the Program
The Educational Opportunity Scholars (EOS) Program, which also goes by the name Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF), is a New Jersey state-funded program centered on the success of students. The Drew EOS office provides access for motivated state residents from underrepresented populations/areas that meet the income criteria and exhibit the potential for high achievement. By providing academic services, we work to help participants reach their full personal, intellectual, spiritual and academic potential.
The Educational Opportunity Scholars Program is a partnership between the NJ Commission of Higher Education and Drew University. Within this partnership, the program provides access to higher education and support for highly motivated students who exhibit the potential for success. The program provides direct services designed to promotes persistence through degree completion. Furthermore, the program supports innovative educational initiatives and leadership development activities to enhance the students’ chance for academic success. The office provides for the holistic care of the student. We render immediate and comprehensive academic, career, and student development support strategies to encourage personal and college success. The office also makes referrals to appropriate university and community offices when necessary.
All New Jersey residents may apply to the program if they fall within the financial guidelines. Citizens and permanent residents are required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and students who qualify for DACA are required to complete the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application.
Overview of Services

- 5-Week Summer Bridge Program
- First-Year Seminar Course
- Individual/bi-weekly conferences
- Tutorial referral (Academic Services)
- Big brother/sister peer mentoring
- Life planning/self-assessment
- Civic and leadership development
- First-year/Sophomore Workshops
- Junior/Senior Transition and Seminar Sessions
- Community and alumni connections
Each month, the EOS Program hosts workshops focused on self-assessment and awareness, study skills, health and well being, career development, and leadership. The purpose of these workshops is to provide students with additional tools for succeeding in their undergraduate studies.
Each month, the EOS Program hosts sessions designed to help students actualize the knowledge gained through an understanding of the self and others. The sessions also help foster the transition into the professional realm.
Eligibility and How to Apply
Prospective First-Year Students
As the Educational Opportunity Scholars program is a state-funded program, students must meet the following criteria to be eligible. If you have any questions about the EOF eligibility requirements, please contact the Office of Admissions: or 973-408-DREW.
- Must demonstrate an educationally and economically disadvantaged background.
- Must be a New Jersey resident 12 consecutive months prior to receiving the award.
- Must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application.
- Must meet the academic criteria as set by the Admissions, Financial Aid, and the EOF Program.
- Gross income and assets must fall within the criteria shown:
2023-2024 EOF Income Eligibility Scale with Asset Cap Calculation |
Household Size (including student) | Gross Income Not to Exceed | Asset Value Not to Exceed |
1 | $27,180.00 | $5,436.00 |
2 | $36,620.00 | $7,324.00 |
3 | $46,060.00 | $9,212.00 |
4 | $55,500.00 | $11,100.00 |
5 | $64,940.00 | $12,988.00 |
6 | $74,380.00 | $14,876.00 |
7 | $83,820.00 | $16,764.00 |
8 | $93,260.00 | $18,652.00 |
8+ | Add $9,440 for each additional family member | Add $1,888 for each additional family member |
Students will be required to provide applicable income and tax information in order to qualify. Incoming First-Year applicants are required to complete a 5-week Summer Program to be eligible for the EOF Grant as well as enroll in the year-long EOS Freshman Seminar in the fall and spring semesters of their freshman year.
Prospective Transfer Students
Students who have received EOF funding at another New Jersey college or university should contact the EOS Recruitment Specialist to inform the Specialist of their previous EOF funding. A staff member at the student’s previous institution will be asked to complete the EOF Transfer Form. Students must still meet all of the eligibility criteria listed below.
Students who have not received EOF funding at another institution are still eligible to apply for EOF funding and participation in the EOS program at Drew University upon transferring in. Students will be asked to provide the same tax and income information as first-year applicants.
As the Educational Opportunity Scholars program is a state-funded program, students must meet the following criteria to be eligible. If you have any questions about the EOF eligibility requirements, please contact the Office of Admissions: or 973-408-DREW.
- Must demonstrate an educationally and economically disadvantaged background.
- Must be a New Jersey resident 12 consecutive months prior to receiving the award.
- Must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application.
- Must meet the academic criteria as set by the Admissions, Financial Aid, and the EOF Program.
- Gross income and assets must fall within the criteria shown:
Household Size (including student) | Gross Income Not to Exceed | Asset Value Not to Exceed |
1 | $27,180.00 | $5,436.00 |
2 | $36,620.00 | $7,324.00 |
3 | $46,060.00 | $9,212.00 |
4 | $55,500.00 | $11,100.00 |
5 | $64,940.00 | $12,988.00 |
6 | $74,380.00 | $14,876.00 |
7 | $83,820.00 | $16,764.00 |
8 | $93,260.00 | $18,652.00 |
8+ | Add $9,440 for each additional family member | Add $1,888 for each additional family member |
Prospective Graduate Students
The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund provides financial assistance and support for a small graduate program. The objective of the graduate EOF program is to increase participation in graduate and professional study of New Jersey residents from backgrounds of historical poverty. Students who received EOF grants as undergraduates shall be given priority consideration for EOF graduate grants. These students are presumed to have met the financial eligibility criteria for graduate EOF as long as they continue to demonstrate financial need. Graduate grants range from $200 annually to $4,350 annually depending on the type of institution and financial need. These grants are renewable based upon continued eligibility.
- Must demonstrate an educationally and economically disadvantaged background.
- Must be a New Jersey resident 12 consecutive months prior to receiving the award.
- Must apply and be accepted to a participating New Jersey college or university.
- Must be a full-time graduate student as defined by the institution.
- Must meet the financial eligibility criteria as defined in the undergraduate section above.
- Must be in a degree/certificate program with a minimum requirement of 24 equivalent semester hours and be at least one academic year in duration
Students should contact the EOF director at the institution of their interest for additional information.
Additional Information
Staff Directory
- Director: Cassandra Davis, MA | 973-408-3399
- Assistant Director: Joelle Falaise, MA | 973-408-3370
- Counselor: Tyra Asberry, MA | 973-408-3393
EOS Waitlist and Appeal Processes
EOS Waitlist
Students who are admitted to Drew University but are not selected for the EOS Program, either due to applying or depositing after standard admission deadlines or by requesting to apply for EOS after submitting their application and receiving their admission decision, may request to be placed on the EOS Waitlist. If a spot in the EOS Program becomes available, the EOS Recruitment Specialist will notify students on the EOS Waitlist to see if they would still like to join the program.
EOS Decision Appeal
If a student was accepted to Drew University but was not selected for the EOS Program due to a student’s ineligibility upon review against the eligibility criteria, students may appeal the decision by contacting the EOS Recruitment Specialist. Students will be asked to provide supporting information to suggest that they are eligible for the EOF grant per the state-recognized criteria.
History of the New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund
In November 1967, in the aftermath of the previous summer’s riots in Newark, New Jersey’s newly-appointed Chancellor of Higher Education, Ralph A. Dungan, directed a memorandum to the presidents of all of the state’s institutions of higher education. In it he outlined a proposed program of special assistance to young men and women from economically and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds. The presidents’ response was immediate, widespread, and overwhelmingly favorable. Enthusiasm was particularly marked at those institutions that were participating in the federally supported Upward Bound Program, which sought to help high school students from disadvantaged backgrounds prepare for entry into college.
The following February, the Select Commission on Civil Disorders (the Lilly Commission, established in response to the events in Newark) made its report to Governor Richard Hughes, who subsequently submitted his Moral Recommitment message to the New Jersey State Legislature. The message called for the establishment of a broad range of programs to address the basic conditions the Commission had cited as contributing to the summer’s unrest. Among those programs was the Educational Opportunity Fund, established by legislation sponsored by then – freshman legislator Thomas Kean.
EOF set the pace for many initiatives which today are widely incorporated into college life. Among the many powerful strategies implemented by EOF are precollege articulation, basic skills testing and remediation, systematic retention efforts, peer counseling and peer tutoring, academic support courses, multicultural curricula and human relations programming, student leadership development, and outcomes-based program evaluation.
EOF has also been a leader and a linchpin in the higher education system’s effort to increase diversity. While participation is not limited to minority students, EOF sponsors more than one-third of the African American and Latino students at the state colleges and New Jersey’s independent institutions, and over one-quarter of the African American and Latino students enrolled at New Jersey colleges and universities participate in the EOF program. EOF enrolls about 12.5% of the first-time, full-time New Jersey freshmen who enter the state’s colleges and universities each fall.