The following are teaching and learning resources to help faculty support and supplement instruction.

Through a connection between the CAE and faculty, we can better help our student body by providing them access to the wealth of resources at their disposal.

The CAE encourages faculty to direct students to our Academic Support Resources to supplement the education that the faculty facilitates.

Academic Integrity Violations-Faculty Form

Academic Integrity Violations-Faculty Form: This form is to be utilized by faculty to report an academic integrity violation.

Please refer to the academic integrity policy in the catalog for additional information.

Embedded Learning Fellow Program

We invite faculty who are interested in the program or would like to learn more about it to complete this form:

Embedded Learning Fellow Request Form

This program focuses on the engagement of Learning Fellows to provide more individualized attention and assistance during class activities and/or to motivate students’ participation and engagement in the curriculum outside the classroom setting. Learning fellows can apply to both online and in-person modalities.  The role of the learning fellow is NOT to provide technical support for the delivery of content. The fellow may attend all, or only certain class meeting days each week.

Depending on the faculty goals, the Embedded Learning Fellow may serve as:

a peer tutor, providing support to students as they work with the class content and texts;

a mentor, helping students foster connections with resources and support services;

a model student, demonstrating effective student behaviors and successful academic habits

The Embedded Learning Fellow may engage in the following types of activities:

Facilitating small group exercises or discussions

Offering the perspective of an experienced student in class discussions

Working with individual students who require additional support during class activities

Assisting students to learn how to effectively utilize software, tools, etc.

Guiding  students, providing feedback and answering questions during in-class, hands-on practice

Please email with any questions or to set up an appointment to discuss the program in more detail.

Faculty are also encouraged to nominate students throughout the semester to work as tutors and can nominate students by completing the Tutor Nomination Form.

  • Click here for the Peer Tutor, Writing and Language Specialist, and Academic Coach Faculty/Staff Reference Form
  • Click here for the Student Administrator Reference Form

Student of Concern Form : This form is to be utilized by students, faculty and staff, to inform university officials of your concerns regarding a student.