What are Drew Internship Awards?

Internship awards are a form of financial assistance provided by Drew University endowed funds with the goal of supporting students as they complete their internship experience. These awards vary in size and may be used to support a variety of expenses that students incur while participating in an internship. Some examples include transportation, materials, and other expenses. For additional details, view Drew’s Internship Awards Policy.

Please note that students are not guaranteed internship award funding. Funding is awarded at the discretion of the Internship Awards Committee.

Are there specific requirements?

Most awards require that recipients earn credit for the internship experience, while certain funds are available only for unpaid internships. If you are getting paid through the Federal Community Service Program for your internship, you are not eligible to receive an internship award. Be sure to also consider the following:

  • Internship awards cannot be used for tuition reimbursement.
  • Internship awards are not guaranteed for any student.
  • All internship awards/funds are taxed per federal tax law.

How do I apply?

Applications for internship awards will be sent to students who register for INTC-200 courses once registration has closed. Details regarding application deadlines and more will be included. For more information on reimburseable items, guidelines, and more, view the Drew University Internship Awards Policy

How will I receive a Drew Internship Award?

Students selected to receive a Drew Internship Award will receive a check from Drew University for the amount of their award. This check may be mailed to a home address or your mailbox at Drew. Please be sure to specify where you’d like your award sent once you receive your award notification. We are not able to process electronic or wire payments at this time.