Economics Faculty


Office: Lewis House
Contact: | (973) 408-3833

  • Econometrics
  • Labor Economics

Miao Chi joined the Drew faculty in 2011, from Rollins College. She has an M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Professor Chi’s areas of interest include labor and demographic economics, economics of migration, applied microeconomics, and applied econometrics.


  • “Variations in Returns to Naturalization by Country of Origin,” Eastern Economic Journal, 46(1), 106-129, 2020 (with Michael Coon).
  • “Visa Wait Times and Future Earnings: Evidence from the National Survey of College Graduates”, Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, 2019 (with Michael Coon).
  • “Improved Legal Status as the Major Source of Earnings Premiums Associated with Intermarriage: Evidence from the 1986 IRCA Amnesty,” Review of Economics of the Household, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2017.
  • “Does Intermarriage Promote Economic Assimilation among Immigrants in the United States?” International Journal of Manpower36, No. 7: 1-25, 2015.
  • “How Much is a Green Card Worth? Evidence from Mexican Men Who Marry Women Born in the U.S.,” Labour Economics31: 103-116, December 2014 (with Scott Drewianka).


Office: Lewis House 302
Contact: | (973) 408-3289

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • International Economics, Development Economics
  • History of Economic Thought

Yahya M. Madra is an associate professor of economics at Drew University, Madison, NJ. Previously he taught economics at Skidmore (2003-2006) and Gettysburg (2007-2011) Colleges and at Boğaziçi University (2011-2016). He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Rethinking Marxism since 1998 and served as an associate editor of the journal between 2010-12. He has published and co-authored articles on various issues in political economy and on the history of recent economics in edited book volumes and a number of academic journals in English and Turkish.  His first monograph titled Late Neoclassical Economics: Restoration of Theoretical Humanism in Contemporary Economic Theory is now availabile from Routledge (2017).  Currently he is working (with Ceren Özselçuk) on a book manuscript tentatively titled, Sexuating Class: A Psychoanalytical Critique of Political Economy.

Research Interests

His research interests include the intellectual history of neoliberal thought in economics, the intersection between Marxian political economy and Lacanian psychoanalysis, and the political economy of economic alternatives.

Selected Publications


  • 2017: Late Neoclassical Economics: Restoration of Theoretical Humanism in Contemporary Economic Theory. London and New York: Routledge.


  • 2017: “Antinomies of Globalization” Markets, Globalization and Development Review. 2(3): Article 2.
  • 2015: “The Decimation and Displacement of Development Economics” (co-authored with Bengi Akbulut and Fikret Adaman) Development and Change. 46(4): 733-761.
  • 2014: “Neoliberal Reason and its Forms: De-Politicization through Economization” (co-authored with Fikret Adaman) Antipode. 46(3): 691-716.
  • 2010: “Public Economics After Neoliberalism: A Historical-Theoretical Perspective” (co-authored with Fikret Adaman) European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. 17(4): 1079-1106.
  • 2010: “Enjoyment as an Economic Factor: Reading Marx with Lacan” (co-authored with Ceren Özselçuk) Subjectivity, 3(3): 323-347.
  • 2005: “Psychoanalysis and Marxism: From Capitalist-all to Communist Non-all” (co-authored with Ceren Özselçuk) Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, 10(1): 79-97.
  • 2002: “Theorizing the ‘Third Sphere’: A Critique of the Persistence of the ‘Economistic Fallacy’” (co-authored with Fikret Adaman) Journal of Economic Issues 36(4): 1045-1078.


  • 2017: “Neoliberal Turn in the Discipline of Economics: Depoliticization through Economization” (co-authored with Fikret Adaman) in The Sage Handbook of Neoliberalism. Edited by David Cahill, Martijn Konings, and Melinda Cooper. London: Sage, forthcoming.
  • 2017: “Process: Tracing Connections and Consequence” in Marxism without Guarantees: Economics, Knowledge and Class. Edited by Ted Burczak, Rob Garnett and Ric McIntyre. London and New York: Routledge, forthcoming.
  • 2015: “Creating Spaces for Communism: Post-capitalist Desire in Hong Kong, Philippines and Western Massachusetts” (co-authored with Ceren Özselçuk) in Making Other Worlds Possible. Edited by Goerda Roelvink, JK Gibson-Graham, and Kevin St. Martin. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 127-52.


  • 2016: “Democratic Economy Conference: An Introductory Note” South Atlantic Quarterly 115(1), 211-222.
  • 2015: “The party and post-capitalist politics: A missed encounter?” (co-authored with Ceren Özselçuk) Rethinking Marxism 27(3), 360-363.
  • 2014: “The Economy: Hitting the Wall” (with Fikret Adaman, Bengi Akbulut, and Şevket Pamuk) The Middle East in London 10(3), 7-8.


Office: Lewis House 103
Contact: | (973) 408-3417

  • Social Entrepreneurship Semester
  • Global Economy
  • Gender and Globalization

Jennifer Olmsted is currently Professor of Economics and Director of Middle East Studies at Drew University. She is also the director of Drew University’s Social Entrepreneurship semester. She previously served as the Gender Advisor at the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and has also been a consultant for UN ESWCA, UNFPA, UNDP, UN Women, and the World Bank. She completed her BS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, her Master’s in Agricultural Economics and her PhD in Economics from the University of California, Davis. Dr. Olmsted was a guest editor of and also contributing author to a 2014 issue of Feminist Economics focusing on gender and economics in Muslim communities. She has also published numerous other articles, in a range of books volumes and journals including in History of the Family, Industrial Relations, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, Women’s Studies International Forum, and World Development, among others.

Research Interests

Her areas of specialization include gender, development, and globalization with a particular focus on the Middle East and Muslim communities more broadly. Her current research focuses on gender issues related to sustainability, as well as on the role that armed conflict plays in (re)shaping norms and economic opportunities and challenges.

Publications | CV




  • Gender and Globalization: The Iranian Experience, in Globalization, Islamism and Women in Iran, edited by R. Bahramitash and H. Esfahani, Syracuse U. Press 2011
  • La géographie importe-t-elle ou doit-elle importer en économie? French translation of  “Does/Should Geography Matter for the Discipline of Economics?” in Les sciences sociales en voyage: le Moyen-Orient et l’Afrique du Nord vus d’Europe, d’Amerique et de l’interieur, edited by Eberhard Kienle, Paris, Editions Karthala / IREMAM 2009
  • (Revisiting) The Question of Gender, Education, Employment and Fertility in MENA,  (in Spanish) in Población y Desarrollo en el Mediterráneo: Transiciones demográficas y Desigualdades socio-económicas, Edited by Tomás Jiménez Araya, IEMED and UNFPA joint project, Editorial ICARIA, Barcelona, 2009
  • The Myth of the Borderless World – Resisting (Post)colonial Economic Hegemony in Palestine, in M. Murphy and S. Dayal, Global Babel: Questions of Discourse and Communication in a Time of Globalization, pp. 229-248, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, 2007.
  • ‘Globalization’ Denied: Gender and Poverty in Iraq and Palestine, in The Wages of Empire: Neoliberal Policies, Armed Repression, and Women’s Poverty, edited by Amalia Cabezas, Ellen Reese, and Marguerite Waller, pp. 178-233, Paradigm, Boulder, Colorado, 2007.
  • Introduction, Gender Impact of Trade Liberalization in the MENA [Middle East and North Africa] Region, pp. 8-13, Center of Arab Women for Training and Research (CAWTAR), Tunis, Tunisia, 2006.
  • Structuring a Pension Scheme for a Future Palestinian State, with Edward Sayre in Economic Policy for Palestine, edited by David Cobham and Nu’man Kanafani, pp. 143-171, Routledge, London 2004.
  • Orientalism and Economic Methods – (Re)reading Feminist Economic Texts, in Postcolonialism Meets Economics, edited by Eiman Zein-Elabdin and S. Charusheela, pp. 162-182, Routledge, London, 2004.
  • Reexamining the Fertility Puzzle in the Middle East and North Africa, in Women and Globalization in the Arab Middle East: Gender, Economy and Society, edited by Eleanor Doumato and Marsha Pripstein-Posusney, pp. 73-92, Lynne Rienner, Boulder, CO, 2003.
  • Politics, Economics and (Virtual) Water: A Discursive Analysis of Water Policies in the Middle East and North Africa, with J. A. Allan, in Food and Agriculture in the Middle East and North Africa, Hans Lofgren (Ed.), Vol. 5 of Research in Middle East Economics, pp. 53-78, JAI/Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003.
  • Men’s Work/Women’s Work: Employment, Wages and Occupational Segregation in Bethlehem, in The Economics of Women and Work in the Middle East and North Africa, E. Mine Cinar (Ed.), Vol. 4 of Research in Middle East Economics, pp. 151-174, JAI/Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001.


Office: Lewis House 301
Contact: | (973) 408-3202

  • Political Economy of Race, Class, and Gender
  • Social and Solidarity Economies
  • Economics of Migration

Maliha Safri is a professor in the Department of Economics at Drew University. She has published articles in many academic and popular news outlets, and has co-written the book Solidarity Cities: Confronting Racial Capitalism, Mapping Transformation (to be published in January 2025, University of Minnesota Press). She works alongside with collectives, cooperatives, and solidarity economy activists and practitioners of different kinds, continually finding inspiration in community-based groups struggling to engage in transformative politics at multiple levels. In essence, her work has revolved around a central problematic: how do people work together collective and find solidarity, even when they run against deep problems like racial segregation in cities and climate crisis.



Solidarity Cities. Confronting Racial Capitalism, Mapping Transformation. Co-authored with Marianna Pavlovskaya, Craig Borowiak, and Stephen Healy. University of Minnesota Press, January 2025. 

Select Journal Articles:

  • “Calculating the value of the commons: Generating resilient urban futures.” Co-authored with Petrescu, D., Petcou, C., & Gibson, K. (2020). Environmental Policy and Governance. 
  •  “Mapping Noncapitalist Supply Chains: Toward an Alternate Conception of Value Creation and Distribution.” (2015). Organization. 22(6): 924-941.
  •  “Transformation of the Afghan Refugee, 1979-2009.” (2011). Middle East Journal. 65(4): 587-601.
  •  “The Global Household: Toward a Feminist and Postcapitalist Political Economy” (co-authored with Julie Graham, 2010) Signs, 36(1): 99-125.


Office: Lewis House 203
Contact: | (973) 408-3595

  • American Economic History
  • Comparative Economic History
  • Microeconomics

Bernard Smith is an Associate Professor of Economics and has been teaching at Drew University since 1986. He earned an undergraduate degree in Business Administration (with a concentration in Economics) from the University of Florida in 1977 and a PhD. degree in Economics from Yale University in 1989. His teaching interests include Micro- and Macro- Economic Theory, American Economic History, and the Political Economy and History of European Integration. He has directed Drew semester abroad programs and Drew International seminars in London, UK and Brussels, Belgium.  His work has appeared in the Business History Review (Cambridge University Press) and in the collected volume, The American Garment Industry and American Jewry: 1860-1960 (Texas Tech University Press).

Research Interests

He is an economic historian with research interests in late 19th century industrial history and labor relations and has done research on the origin and development of the garment industry in the US, focusing on its organizational structure and employment relations, and exploring the role that immigration has played in its development.

Selected Publications/Working Papers

  • “Market Development, Industrial Development: The Case of the American Corset Trade, 1860 1920,”Business History Review, Volume 65, Spring 1991 (Graduate School of
  • Business Administration, Harvard University Press).
  • The Ready-Made Menswear Industry of Rochester, New York 1848-1900″ in A Perfect Fit: The Garment Industry and American Jewry. (Texas Tech University Press 2006)
  • Book review of Fig Leaves and Fortune: A Fashion Company Named Warnaco by John
  • W. Field, which appeared in Business History Review, Spring 1992.


Office: Lewis House 204
Contact: | (973) 408-3952

  • Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis
  • Money, Banking, and the Macroeconomy
  • Director – The Wall Street Semester

Karen Smith is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Drew University and Macroeconomist. She holds a Ph.D. in International Economics and Finance, M.Sc. in International Economics and Finance, and MBA in International Finance from Brandeis University. 

Research Interests: 

Karen’s research focuses on empirical macroeconomics, using survey data to understand the Expectation Formation Process (EFP). She studies how agent’s expectations of macroeconomic outcomes depart from the well-known assumption of Full-Information Rational Expectations (FIRE), the associated belief distortions, and the implications for monetary policy, within and across countries. Karen is also a Fulbright Scholar and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) with over seven years of experience in Investment Advisory, having held roles such as Senior Investment Analyst and Portfolio Manager.


“Learning Integrated Inflation Forecasts in a Simple Multi-agent Macroeconomic Model”, with Blake LeBaron (2024) – Forthcoming (In press): Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control

Working Papers:

“Cross-Country Inflation Expectations: Evidence of Heterogeneous and Synchronized Mistakes”

“Expectations Formation and Boom-Bust Cycles in Mortgage Lending”

“Cross-Country Spillover Effects of Monetary Policy in Subjective Expectations ”

CV: Smith_Karen_CV_2024.pdf – Google Drive

Personal WebsiteKaren Smith, Ph.D., CFA (