
Areas of specialization & research interests: Gender violence and women’s resistance; efficacy and perceptions of self-defense against sexual assault; psychology and feminist scholarship for lay audiences; feminist psychology, epistemology and pedagogy.

Education: Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Delaware, 1998; M.A., University of Delaware, 1995; B.A., Drew University, 1992


• Psychology of Harry Potter (Drew Seminar for first-year students)

• Psychology Preceptorial (Writing in the Major)

• Stress and Coping

• Abnormal Psychology

• Diagnosis and the DSM

• Seminar in Gender Violence & Women’s Resistance

• Seminar in Critiquing the Mass Marketing of Psychology

Select publications:

• Cermele, J., & McCaughey, M. (16 February, 2016).  What’s wrong with the CDC’s public health model for rape prevention.  Gender and Society blog (

• McCaughey, M., & Cermele, J. (in press).  Changing the hidden curriculum of campus rape prevention and education:  Women’s self-defense as a key protective factor for a public-health model of prevention.  Trauma, Violence and Abuse.  Online preview version available at

• Anderson, K. L., & Cermele, J. (2014).  Public/private language aggression against women:  Tweeting rage and intimate partner violence.  Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 2(2), 274-293.

• McCaughey, M. & Cermele, J. (2014).  Special issue:  Self defense against sexual assault (editors).  Violence Against Women, 20(3).


Areas of specialization & research interests: Prof. Cousens’ research utilizes electrophysiological and behavioral techniques to examine how the brain represents sensory information and how it maintains information over time. Areas of research interest include olfactory learning and memory, emotional processes and addiction.

Education: Ph.D., Psychology, Rutgers University, 2001; M.A., Psychology, Rutgers University, 1998; B.A., Psychology, Rutgers University, 1994; Post-doctoral Fellow, Yale School of Medicine and UCSF


• Cognitive Neuroscience

• Learning and Behavior

• Neuroscience Research Methods

• The Psychology of Music

• The Global Burden of Mental Illness

• Models of Addiction

Select publications:

• Hesp, ZC, Cousens, GA, Becker, L, Zee, MC, & Mickley, GA (2016). Nu Rho Psi, The national honor society in neuroscience: A decade of progress. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, 14(2), e9-12.

• Cousens, GA, Kearns, A, Laterza, F, & Tundidor, J (2012). Excitotoxic lesions of the medial amygdala attenuate olfactory fear-potentiated startle and conditioned freezing behavior. Behavioural Brain Research, 229(2), 427-32.

• Cousens, GA, Skrobacz*, CG, & Blumenthal*, A (2011). Nucleus accumbens carbachol disrupts olfactory and contextual fear-potentiated startle and attenuates baseline startle reactivity. Behavioural Brain Research, 216, 673-80.


Office: Faulkner House 8
Contact: | (973) 408-4875

  • Strategic Decision Making (Business)
  • Organizational Psychology and Leadership (Business/Psychology)
  • Aviation Psychology and Management (Business/Psychology)
  • Ancient Egypt and Sudan: Crossing Borders (Anthropology/Archaeology

Alex de Voogt is a Professor at Drew University. He is a former curator of African Ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History, New York. Alex does research mainly in Organizational Psychology, Archaeology and Linguistics.


  • “The Archaeology of Games”
  • “Employee Work Ethic in Nine Non-industrialized Contexts: Some Surprising Non-POSH Findings”(with Jonas W.B. Lang)
  • “Work Ethic in a Japanese Museum Environment: A Case Study of the National Museum of Ethnology” (with Jonas W.B. Lang and Shimpei Cole Ota)
  • “Yay or Nay? Effects of Mindfulness on Task Performance in a Safety-Critical Aviation Environment” (with Zen Got, Paul D. Bliese and Jonas W.B. Lang)
  • “Modeling consensus emergence in groups using longitudinal multilevel methods” (with Paul D. Bliese and Jonas W.B. Lang)

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Areas of specialization & research interests: Memory and cognition: cognitive illusions; conscious and unconscious influences of memory; cognitive aging

Education: Post-doctoral research, Washington University in St. Louis, 1998-2001; Ph.D., New York University, 1999; B.A., Marist College, 1993


• Introduction to Psychology

• Research Methods in Psychology

• Advanced Research Methods

• Cognition

• Seminar in Cognitive Illusions

• Drew International Seminar in Peru (with Professor Windfelder in Biology)

• 40 Studies that Changed Psychology (Seminar)

Select publications:

• Fazio, L. K., Dolan, P. O., & Marsh, E. J. (2014). Learning misinformation from fictional sources: Understanding the contributions of transportation and item-specific processing. Memory.

• Umanath, S., Dolan, P. O., & Marsh, E. J. (2013).  Ageing and the Moses Illusion: Older adults fall for Moses but if asked directly, stick with Noah.  Memory, 21[Epub ahead of print].

• Coane, J. H., Balota, D. A., Dolan, P. O. & Jacoby, L. L. (2011). Not all sources of familiarity are created equal: The case of word frequency and repetitions in recognition memory performance.  Memory and Cognition, 39, 791 – 805.


Areas of specialization & research interests: Research in her lab focuses on early perceptual and cognitive development.

Education: Ph.D. Psychology; Indiana University, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences: July, 2010; Dissertation: “The development of haptic perception in the context of cross-modal transfer”; B.A. Psychology; University of Massachusetts, Amherst: May, 2005 (Summa Cum Laude)


• Introduction to Psychology

• Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence

• Adulthood

• Seminar in Developmental Psychology

• Atypical Development

• The Psychology of Pain

• Community-Based Learning in Psychology

Select publications:

• Kalagher, H. (2015) Haptic exploration of tools: Insight into the processes that drive haptic

exploration in preschool-aged children. Cognitive Development, 35, 111-121. doi:


• Kalagher, H. (2013) The effects of perceptual priming on 4-year-olds’ haptic-to-visual

cross-modal transfer. Perception, 42, 1063-1074. doi:10.1068/p7525


Areas of specialization & research interests: Nonconscious Behavioral Mimicry; Nonverbal Behavior; Social Cognition; The Self

Education: Ph.D., Social Psychology, Ohio State University, 2003; M.A., Ohio State University, 2000; B.A., Butler University, 1998


• Introduction to Psychology

• Research Methods in Psychology

• Social Psychology

• Nonverbal Behavior

• Seminar in Stereotyping and Prejudice

• Capstone Experience in Psychology

Select Presentations:

• Smith-Genthôs, K. R., Reich, D. A., Lakin, J. L., & Casa de Calvo, M. P. (2015). The tongue-tied chameleon: The role of nonconscious mimicry in the behavioral confirmation process. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56, 179-182.

• Wilk, M., & Lakin, J. L. (2014, February). Making leadership for women attainable: The importance of positively-evaluated female role models. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.

• Lakin, J. L. (2013). Behavioral mimicry and interpersonal synchrony. In J. L. Hall & M. L. Knapp (Eds.), Handbook of Communication Science (pp. 539-575). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

• Monday, E., & Lakin, J. L. (2013, March). Perceptions of young adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Poster presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY.

• Chatrand, T. L., & Lakin, J. L. (2013). The antecedents and consequences of human behavioral mimicry. Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 285-308.

• Lakin, J. L., Allshouse, A. D., & Osorio, B. (2011, January). Oh, the places we could go: Priming travel increases self-improvement intentions. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

• Hardin, E. E. & Lakin, J. L. (2009). The Integrated Self-discrepancy Index: A reliable and valid measure of self-discrepancies. Journal of Personality Assessment, 91, 245-253.

• Lakin, J. L., Chartrand, T. L., & Arkin, R. M. (2008). I am too just like you: Nonconscious mimicry as an automatic behavioral response to social exclusion. Psychological Science, 19, 816-822.

• Leonardelli, G. J., Lakin, J. L., & Arkin, R. M. (2007). A regulatory focus approach to the self-evaluation process. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 1002-1009.

• Lakin, J. L., & Chartrand, T. L. (2003). Using nonconscious behavioral mimicry to create affiliation and rapport. Psychological Science, 14, 334-339.


Areas of specialization & research interests: Biological Psychology; Behavioral Neuroscience; Quantitative Models of Drug Abuse

Education: Ph.D., Psychology, Rutgers University, 2013; M.S., Psychology, Rutgers University, 2011; B.A., Psychology, The College of New Jersey, 2008


• Introduction to Psychology

• Psychology Preceptorial

• Biological Psychology

• Sport Psychology

• Advanced Research Project in Psychology

• Learning and Behavior

• Brain, Behavior, and Drugs Seminar


Areas of specialization & research interests: Prof. Morgan’s research investigates: (a) the characteristics and consequences of attitudes held with moral conviction, (b) the psychological underpinnings of political ideology and political ideological differences, and (c) the psychological processes that motivate collective action (i.e., activism and protest).

Education: Ph.D., Psychology,  University of Illinois at Chicago, July 2011; M.A., Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2008; B.A., Psychology; Murray State University, 2004 (Summa Cum Laude)


• Social Psychology

• Research Methods

• Political Psychology

• Moral Psychology

• Psychology and Law

Select publications:

• Morgan, G. S. & Wisneski, D. C. (in press). The structure of political ideology varies between and within people: Implications for theories about ideology’s causes. Social Cognition.

• Morgan, G. S., & Chan, W. Y. (2016). Different paths to protest: Investigating predictors of collective action in the Occupy Movement. The Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

• Skitka, L. J., & Morgan, G. S., & Wisneski, D. C. (2015). Political orientation and moral conviction: A conservative advantage or an equal opportunity motivator of political engagement? In J. Forgas, W. Crano, & K. Fiedler (Eds.) Social psychology and politics (pp. 57-75). New York, NY: Routledge.

• Reifen Tagar, M., Morgan, G. S., Halperin, E., & Skitka, L. J. (2013). When ideology matters: Moral conviction and the association between ideology and policy preferences in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 117-125.


Areas of specialization & research interests: Clinical Psychology, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Conceptualization of unwanted and/or nonconsensual sexual experiences; Multicultural psychology

Education: Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Kansas, 2017; M.A., University of Kansas, 2014; B.A., Drew University, 2011


• Psychology Preceptorial (Writing in the Major)

• Clinical Seminar: Cultural Considerations in Conceptualizing Psychopathology

• Abnormal Psychology

• Early Childhood Attachment and Later Romantic Relationships

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Ed Domber

George-Harold Jennings

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Ann Saltzman

Robin Timmons