Below you will find links to resources developed by Drew faculty and Writing Fellows and by WAC programs elsewhere. (Please email any resources you are willing to share so that this site can continue to grow.)
DSEM Courses
Writing Intensive Courses
Handouts and Resources
- Rhetorical Reading Information Literacy – A handout and workshop ideas
- Summary Writing – includes questions to guide peer review at the end
- Synthesis Writing – includes questions to guide peer review at the end
Resources from Elsewhere
- OWL Purdue: Writing Across the Curriculum & Writing to Learn: suggestions for incorporating writing and writing-to-learn activities in your classes
- WAC at George Mason University: one of the country’s leading WAC programs
- The WAC Clearinghouse: Central collection site for WAC nationwide programs. Contains many resources, including readings and is the home of Across the Disciplines
- Council of Writing Program Administrators: National professional organization for writing program administrators. Policy statements, teaching resources, and the Writing Program Administration Journal
- Central Michigan University: WAC/WID: Program description and writing center resources
- Minnesota State Writing to Learn: Description of program, sample assignments, key concepts
- University of Illinois WAC: Program description, links, resources, assignments and syllabi.