Army Strong

Are you a qualified and motivated student committed to learning Army values and standards? Do you find the idea of becoming a leader and bettering your community appealing? Would you like to understand your own personal leader-ship style? Drew University partners with nearby Seton Hall University to offer you student membership in the Army Reserved Officer Training Corps (ROTC).

Have an Out-of-Classroom Experience

ROTC at Drew through Seton Hall makes use of learning beyond lectures—from hands-on team building to making ethical and moral decisions to the training involved in developing your peak physical strength.

Seton Hall University
As one of three New Jersey Army ROTC host universities, this ROTC program—the Pirate Battalion—includes Seton Hall students, as well as students at Drew and other North Jersey universities. Located in South Orange, New Jersey, Seton Hall is 12 miles from Drew. Most students make the 20-minute drive twice a week in their own car, a campus rental ZipCar or with a fellow student.

Get an Army ROTC Scholarship

The Army offers four-year, three-year and two-year scholarships that provide:

  • 100% tuition and mandatory fees
  • $1,200 book allowance per academic year
  • Monthly stipends
    • First-Year Students: $300/month
    • Sophomores: $350/month
    • Juniors: $450/month
    • Seniors: $500/month

To be eligible, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • U.S. citizen between the ages of 17 and 26
  • Minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.50
  • High school diploma or high school equivalency test
  • Minimum of 920 on the SAT or 19 on the ACT
  • Army Physical Fitness Test

Learn more about Army ROTC scholarships.

What You Learn

Basic Course. Two Years That Prepare You for Life.

You’ll complete the Basic Course your first two years in college. Each semester, take one elective class, a leadership lab and physical training. What you learn—basic military skills and fundamentals of leadership—form the groundwork for becoming an Army leader. No military commitment necessary.

Advanced Course. Graduate With a Degree in Leadership.

You’ll complete the Advanced Course your last two years in college. Each semester, take one elective class, a leadership lab and physical training, plus a summer leadership camp. What you learn—advanced military tactics and team organization, planning and decision-making—further develops you as an Army leader.

Both the completion of the Basic Course (or Leader’s Training Course) and a commitment
to serve as an U.S. Army Officer after you graduate.

Course Titles and Descriptions

Learn more about the Army ROTC curriculum.


Discover the personal challenges and competencies critical for effective leadership in both the civilian and military environment, including critical thinking, goal setting, time management, physical fitness and stress management. 2 credits


Develop leadership fundamentals, including setting direction, solving problems, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and writing effectively. Explore dimensions of leadership values, attributes, skills and actions through hands-on, interactive exercises. 2 credits

Study applied leadership theory, communications, principles of war, military operations and tactics.


Explore innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and the two crucial theories that underlie modern leadership frameworks. Practice personal motivation and team-building through exercises and leadership labs. Study historical leaders from Lincoln, Grant and Lee to Gandhi, Kennedy and Mother Theresa. 3 credits


Examine team leadership in complex contemporary operating environments and gain greater self-awareness by assessing your own leadership style. Analyze recent and historical military case studies for teamwork in real-world scenarios, including the competitive and cross-cultural environments of most modern corporations. 3 credits

Study command and staff functions, law of war, weapons, team dynamics, peer leadership, military operations, tactics.


Study, practice and evaluate adaptive leadership skills across the full spectrum of military, corporate and civic operations. Receive and give feedback to your classmates with the goal of developing leadership skills and critical thinking. 3 credits


Experience increasingly intense situational leadership challenges to build awareness and skills in leading teams. Instructors review aspects of military operations to prepare students for the ROTC Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC).  3 credits

Study training the force, military justice, ethical decision-making, personnel management, cultural awareness, post and installation support, military operations and tactics.


Strengthen proficiency in planning, executing and assessing complex operations while functioning as a member of a staff and providing performance feedback to subordinates. Assess risk, make ethical and moral decisions, identify responsibilities of key staff members, coordinate staff roles as well as train and develop junior ROTC Cadets. Prepare yourself to transition to your initial leadership assignments through lessons on military and civil justice and personnel processes. Prerequisite: Adaptive Tactical Leadership. 3 credits


Explore the dynamics of leading in the contemporary operating environment of the global village given differences in customs and courtesies, culture, military law, principles of war and rules of engagement for international terrorism. Case studies, scenarios, and exercises prepare you to face the complex ethical and practical demands of leading organizations to succeed in a global and complex world. Adaptive Tactical Leadership. 3 credits