Student Accounts Announcements

Student Accounts Important Information

Drew University issues all billing statements electronically. Paper statements are not mailed. An e-mail notification will be sent to the student’s official Drew University e-mail address when the monthly and semester statements are produced.  This e-mail is also sent to individuals with NelNet Proxy access to statements.  Statements are available (in PDF format) through TreeHouse by logging into your NelNet Student Account to view or print. Please refer to the Academic Year Tuition and Fee Schedule for current tuition rates and other applicable fees.

Please note that an outstanding balance can result in a delay in your ability to register in a timely fashion.  The school reserves the right to deregister students for account balances not addressed and/or paid. Please ensure to review your account on a regular basis and make timely arrangements to address balances. If you have questions regarding the assessed charges on your account, please reach out to Student Accounts at  If you have any questions regarding Loans, Scholarships or Grants, please reach out to the Financial Aid Department directly at   

For your convenience, you can access the general Student Accounts information on our Summary Sheet along with some Important Dates

A Tuition Protection Plan is available through a third party servicer, Grad Guard, for those who are interested. Students must be enrolled in this plan before the first day of the term to qualify. This is a per semester coverage. Refer to their website for more information, including Grad Guard FAQ’s.

Reminder: All undergraduate students are expected to be enrolled full-time for the Fall and Spring terms, and will be charged accordinglyAn undergraduate student who wishes to enroll part-time (less than 12 credits) or take on additional course credits (more than 21 credits) must seek approval from the Academic Standing Committee. To do this, a student needs to complete and submit a Petition to Academic Standing prior to the start of the term. Once a petition is received and approved by the committee, student charges on the account will be adjusted accordingly.

Information for Students and Parents

The  Nelnet Student Account Center (SAC) is available for 24/7 online access to your account. The Student Account Center offers a real-time view into your student account through TreeHouse. This online portal will allow you to:

  • View/print billing statements
  • Monitor real-time account activity
  • Make online electronic payments
  • Enroll in and manage semester based monthly payment plans


Login into TreeHouse and use the Nelnet Student Account Center link.

If you wish to make an online payment to a student account or DrewCard and do not have access to TreeHouse, visit and select type of payment you wish to make (student name and Drew ID are required).


 You will be prompted to enter your contact information. This does not update or change what is on file at Drew University, but merely enrolls your profile in the Nelnet Student Account Center. You will not have to do this again.


We encourage you to give account access to anyone who makes payments or helps manage your financial account.

Please note there are two separate proxy authorizations:

1- In order to email or call Drew for assistance or information and have access to Treehouse, authorization must be granted in Treehouse.  Visit Parent/Guardian Proxy Access on the Student tab in Treehouse to do this.  Once you complete Proxy Authorization, an invitation will be emailed to the individual with instructions. This allows a proxy to directly contact the University for information.

2- In order to make payment and receive access to monthly statements on your behalf, authorization must be granted in the Nelnet Student Account Center.  This is done by logging in to the Nelnet Student Account Center and clicking on “Add An Authorized Party.”


We hope you’ll like the Nelnet Student Account Center and welcome your feedback. As always, if you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Student Accounts Office by phone at 973-408-3114 or email

Each semester (and on a monthly basis) students will receive an email notification that their statement is available online via their Nelnet Student Account Center. STATEMENTS WILL NOT BE SENT OUT BY EMAIL OR PAPER MAIL.  Understanding your Drew Bill is a good place to find information on how to understand the statements we produce.  Payment Plans are available for those who need it.

To view all current charges, payments, and pending financial aid on your student account, including activity which has occurred since your last billing statement, visit your Student Account Center on TreeHouse.


  • Fall Semester: August 5
  • Spring Semester: January 5
  • Summer Term:  1st day of summer term



Drew Offers Tuition Insurance through a third party servicer, Grad Guard. Tuition Insurance provides reimbursement when a student can’t complete an academic term due to an unforeseen, covered accident, injury or other covered reason. Most colleges and universities do not provide 100% refunds but GradGuard’s Tuition Insurance can help protect your investment.

Health Insurance through the Drew student plan is only available to Full Time students (9+ credits for Graduate & Theological students; 12+ credits for Undergraduate students).  Students who are less than full time are not eligible to enroll in the student coverage.

Departmental & Student Group Deposits

  1. ALL deposits presented in the Student Accounts Office must be accompanied by a Departmental Deposit Form.
  2. Provide the Name, Drew email address and Campus Extension of the person preparing the deposit so that we may contact them if there are questions regarding the deposit.
  3. Initial to certify that there are no collected donation or gift funds included in the deposit (all gifts & donations must first be forwarded to and processed by the Office of University Advancement who will then present to the Student Accounts Office for deposit).
  4. Please be sure to complete “Additional Comment or Instruction” area of this form. Include a brief description of the deposit (this will be used to memo the deposit in the system).
    • Checks received in the Student Accounts Office will  be scanned and forwarded to University departments, who must reply with a signed and scanned Departmental Deposit Form.
    • Checks received by University Departments must be forwarded to Student Accounts (via campus mail or by appointment) with a completed and signed Departmental Deposit Form.

Deposit requirements from JP Morgan Chase require that we provide them with specific information. Please understand that your help is needed to complete these transactions without delay.

We reserve the right to refuse/return any deposit that is not in compliance. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us in advance at ext. 3114.


  1. All check batches (more than one check) must be accompanied by an adding machine tape.  The Student Accounts Office will run a tape at the time of presentation to insure accuracy and must match your tape (using excel is acceptable if your department does not have an adding machine).
  2. Write your Banner GL fund, org, & account number on each check.  If the bank returns it (bounced check) we will need to know which fund, org, & account it originally went into (this is particularly important when depositing checks as a batch).
  3. Any starter checks submitted for deposit must have the name and address of the maker written on them for identification purposes. If the check is returned with no identifying information on it, we will not know who to contact and the funds cannot be collected.
  4. Check deposits must be made as soon as possible. It is not acceptable for a Department (or any staff member of a Department) to hold checks for more than a week. Any checks presented to the Student Accounts Office dated by the maker older than 30 days will be rejected and it will be the responsibility of the Department to collect new payment from the maker if the Department wishes to receive those funds for the purpose for which they were originally collected.
  5. Please ensure that each check is made out to Drew University.  If it is made out to a person, that person must endorse the back of the check. It is not good practice to make checks out to cash and this should be discouraged.
  6. Please do not staple checks to paperwork or send checks with staples in them.
  7. Any large volume coin deposits must either be rolled or exchanged for paper currency (i.e. Coinstar machines or the TD Banknorth coin exchanger).
  8. All deposits presented before 4pm will be posted to the same day’s activity.  Any deposits that are submitted after 4pm will be posted to the next business day’s activity.


FIRST : Use of credit cards for Departmental payments must now be approved prior to offering use of and collecting card information for your event/purpose (it costs the University fees to process credit card transactions). Do not assume that approval will be granted for this mode of payment (even if it has been used previously). Email your request to offer credit cards as a form of payment for your event/purpose to with “Request for use of credit cards” in the subject line.

Only after securing approval to collect credit card payments please consider the following:

  1. All credit card transactions must be a minimum of $10.  Please submit transactions in batches by type of card (MC, VISA, and AMEX).
  2. Please remember that we cannot accept Discover for departmental deposits (only MC, VISA, and AMEX).
  3. All credit card deposits presented before 4pm will be posted to the same day’s activity.  Any deposits that are submitted after 4pm will be posted to the next business day’s activity.
  4. Large volume credit card deposits can be left with the Student Accounts Office and will be processed as soon as possible.  The Student Accounts Office will notify you when your deposit is finished and you can pick up the receipt(s) or request that we send them to you via Campus Mail.