Understanding Your Bill
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- Understanding Your Bill
Each semester (and on a monthly basis) students will receive an email notification that their statement is available online via their Nelnet Student Account Center. STATEMENTS WILL NOT BE SENT OUT BY EMAIL OR PAPER MAIL. Students and proxies will have access to retrieve their bills online. A notification will be sent to the student’s official Drew University email address when the monthly and semester statements are available. This email is also sent to individuals who have been authorized to access statements in Nelnet.
To view all current charges, payments, and pending financial aid on your student account, including activity which has occurred since your last billing statement, visit your Nelnet Student Account Center on TreeHouse. To better understand your bill, please refer to the Term Charges/Definitions tab below or click here.
Payment Due Dates
- Fall Semester: August 5
- Spring Semester: January 5
- Summer and Winter Terms: 1st day of term
Note: For the most up-to-date balance due, please click the “Nelnet Student Account Center” link located on the “Student” tab of TreeHouse (or for parents/guardians, your proxy login).
Mailing Address: Drew University Student Accounts Office, 36 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ 07940. Our telephone number is 973-408-3114, and our email is studentaccounts@drew.edu. Please note the Student Accounts Office is traditionally open 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. Exceptions will be communicated to the student body via email and will also be noted on the voice mail message should you call when the office is closed.
Statements are provided electronically through the NelNet Student Account Center. A record of the student’s address is maintained in TreeHouse and on the NelNet Student Account Center site. Address changes or updates should be made on each site directly. For changes to a student’s Permanent Address, please contact the University Registrar at regist@drew.edu.
This section will give you basic information regarding the student at the time the statement was produced which includes:
- Date – This is the date the statement was produced. Any information added or changed after the statement is produced will not be reflected until the next statement production (once a month, on or around the 15th), however students can view the activity on their account in real time when logged into their TreeHouse by clicking on “Student Account Center.”
- Student Name – This is the student’s full legal name as recorded with the Registrar’s office. Changes/updates to this name can be made by contacting the Registrar’s Office directly for assistance.
- Student ID – This number is a unique identifier for student records (academic records, housing, billing, all campus card, etc). Students should have their Student ID card with them at all times.
- Due Date(s) – For Fall Semester it is August 5; For Spring Semester it is January 5; for the Summer and Winter Terms it is the 1st day of the term
Line items on the statement are for the current term only. The Total Amount Due reflects the total balance due (or credit balance), for all semesters.
Charges associated with an item will be a net amount. For example if there is an adjustment applied to Tuition, the amount shown on the statement will be the resulting net of the original charge and the adjustment. All like charges and or their adjustments will be combined when printed on the statement. Some common charges to expect are:
- Tuition – The semester charge for academic instruction and support programs for the courses for which you are registered. Adjustments to this entry are made to your account as necessary during the add/drop period (the first two weeks of the semester).
- General Fee – The mandatory per-semester charge to all students that underwrites support of Ehinger Center operations and the student activities programming, both in-person and virtual, of your particular school. Additionally, the General Fee supports the accredited Student Health Services Center (which provides for treatment of minor illness, management of chronic diseases/disabilities, wellness education, gynecological care, etc), and services of the Counseling Center (short term therapy, testing, outreach programs, etc).
- Housing Charge – The semester charge for residing in University owned housing. For students who reside in most major campus residence halls, the housing charge includes a connection for television cable service. Although charges for apartment rentals are billed by the semester, Graduate and Theological students in Drew-owned apartments may arrange to pay their housing charge on a monthly basis by completing and submitting the Monthly Rent Form to the Student Accounts Office. Students who do not complete and submit this form are required to pay the semester rent in full by the semester payment deadline.
- Board – The semester charge for the food plan in which you are enrolled. The University offers a variety of food plan options. The meal plan is mandatory for All Undergraduate Students. All Undergraduate Residents are automatically enrolled in the Bronze All Access Plan and Commuters students will be automatically enrolled in the commuter meal plan. You may select one of the other Meal Plan options on TreeHouse prior to the close of the second week of classes. Graduate School students and Theological School students may optionally choose a meal plan and will be billed if/when they make a plan selection.
- Technology Fee – Provides support for student centered technology services. The technology fee contributes to the cost of residence hall wireless networking and other student technology services such as internet and intranet access, email, computer support, virtual software services (Cloud PC), and other services.
- Health Insurance – The annual charge automatically billed to every full-time student for Drew’s comprehensive student medical insurance plan. If you have other coverage, you may waive this insurance by completing the waiver portion of the Waive/Enroll Health Insurance form. The waiver will require you to verify your current coverage under another comparable health insurance plan. (Before waiving the Drew sponsored plan, it may be a good idea to contact your insurance coverage provider to insure you will have coverage outside of your home stateif you do not live in New Jersey.) If you would like to keep or request this coverage or if you do not currently have health insurance, please acknowledge this by completing the Enrollment portion of the form on TreeHouse. All Full-time students are required to complete the Waiver or Enrollment form before the first day of classes every Academic Year. (Note: For students who start in a Spring term this charge will be assessed in which you will need to waive or enroll at that time.) Failure to complete a waiver form which confirms alternate coverage, will result in an automated enrollment in the plan in which a student is financially responsible to pay the premium. This is a non refundable fee if not waived by the deadline. Please note that the Student Accounts Office only processes the fees associated with the accident/sickness insurance premium. Any specific coverage or plan inquiries should be directed to University Health Plans Corp. at (800) 437-6448 or by visiting their web page.
- Accreditation Fee – A one-time charge to all MAT/PHD/MA students to support a data base and software used for accreditation, license, and assessment purposes.
- Orientation Fee – A one-time charge to all new students that covers programs and activities during the Orientation period. Orientation is conducted prior to your first Drew term and is mandatory. Choosing not to attend Orientation without prior Dean approval will not release you from the obligation to pay for it and the charge will remain on your account.
- Transcript Fee – A one-time charge to ALL new students that covers transcript requests for the duration of their connection with the University.
- International Student Fee – This is a mandatory fee added each academic term for services that include but are not limited to programs and services provided by the International Student & Scholar Services to the undergraduate, graduate and theological international student community. These include, but are not limited to: international student orientation cost, co-curricular programming throughout the academic year, work authorization and maintaining I20s through Post Completion OPT and STEM Extension.
- There maybe other less common charges that will also appear here that we’ve not explained on this page. If you have a question about any charge that appears on your bill, please contact the Student Accounts Office.
- Payments, Drew scholarships, grants, loans, and any other outside awards received are reflected as a credit on the account. (Financial Aid items which bear “PENDING” in the description, signify funds that are anticipated but have not yet been received). These items will be used to reduce the balance due for the current term.
- PENDING Nelnet Credit Memo – This is the total of the payment plan payments not yet due as of the date of the statement. This amount is used to reduce the “Total Amount Due” noted on the statement. The amount includes a total of the remaining balance due of an approved payment plan (see our Payment Options page for information about our Payment Plans). If a payment has come due but you have not yet made your scheduled payment, it will be reflected in the “Amount Due” noted on the statement. Unpaid payment plan payments will cause a balance due on your account which may result in the inability to register, receive transcripts, or participate in room selection, so it is important for you to make your payment plan payments on time.