For Students

To see a counselor, call 973-408-3398, email, or come to our office in Holloway Annex (it’s adjacent to the Health Center up the hill from the University Commons). You will connect with our Office Manager and complete a few short forms and then be scheduled to meet with a counselor.
We are located on the South end of Drew University’s campus in Holloway Annex 21 in the same building as the Health Center up the hill from the University Commons.
No. Our services are free to all Drew students, including the CLA, Grad, and Theo.
If you are 16 or older, you are considered to be an adult when seeking psychological treatment. That means that you have the right to clinical confidentiality. This means that your counselor is under a legal and ethical obligation to keep private all discussions with you within the counseling relationship. This would include your decision to see (or not see) a psychiatrist or whether or not you’re in counseling. We won’t even share whether or not you attend counseling.

We also won’t share any information with University faculty, staff, or administration.

There are a few times when we are under legal and ethical obligation to reveal information. For example, if you are in serious danger of hurting yourself or someone else, or when you talk about a child that is currently being abused, we must inform the appropriate people who are most likely to be able to help you or the child.

Clinical staff at Drew Counseling and Psychological Services consult with each other about cases. These are only other therapists in the center.

If you are seeing another mental health clinician or are being treated in a mental health program we will ask you to sign a written release so we can communicate with them to coordinate treatment.

We can’t and don’t reveal any information regarding our clients, without having our client’s written permission. Sometimes parents call us because they have a concern about their students. We will not let parents know if the student is or is not in counseling, nor will we discuss the student. However, we will listen to your parent and we will try to help them with THEIR problem. Often, we recommend that the parents go for counseling; that the family attend counseling; or, that the parent refer their student to counseling. We also tell them that we will not let them know if the student has actually come for counseling (unless we have the student’s written permission), but that they should follow up with their student.

If you are in crisis and the Counseling Center is closed, please contact Campus Security, 973-408-3379.

Other crisis numbers include 988 (National Suicide Lifeline) or Morristown Medical Center Crisis Intervention (973-540-0100). If you have Drew insurance you can call CareConnect and talk to a licensed mental health clinician any time, day or night, at 1-888-857-5462.

Drew University has recently entered into a partnership with a telehealth platform that provides psychiatric nurse practitioners who work in conjunction with the existing counseling staff. This is a session limited service. All referrals to RIVIA Mind come through Drew CAPS. In addition, we can provide referral list information including psychiatrists and advanced practice nurses in the area who are accessible by public transportation, ridesharing or driving.

We have seen students for all kinds of reasons, ranging from academic issues to psychosis. Some of the most common reasons are stress, anxiety, depression, interpersonal conflicts, loneliness and homesickness, inability to start papers or late assignments, deterioration of the quality of work, feeling discouraged, lack of motivation, trauma, suicidal crisis and other crises, bipolar disorder, and alcohol and drug issues.

For Faculty, Administrators, and Staff

If you notice that a student has poor study habits or procrastinates, sleeps in class, has poor personal hygiene, appears very sad and unmotivated, fears speaking in front of others, is disruptive in class, exhibits hostility toward you or peers, is talking about suicide, or has any other behavior that causes you concern or alarm, refer the student to counseling.
Except in cases of threat to the life of self or others, counseling is voluntary. But, if you think a student could benefit from counseling, here are some basic ground rules:

Speak to the student in a private place (perhaps your office) in a straight-forward manner and be specific regarding your observations causing your concern. Avoid anything negative about the student and make clear that your recommendation is based on your observations of the student’s behavior

If the student is amenable, you can immediately contact us at x3398 with the student present. The student can then come to our office and will probably be seen the same day. Make sure the student knows where we are located and give the student our number.

In some cases, it may be appropriate to walk the student to our office.

Follow-up with the student to show that you continue to have an interest in him/her.

No. We strictly adhere to the student’s right to privacy and confidentiality. We will not inform you as to whether or not the student saw us unless the student signs a release to do so. Some students do not come to counseling after agreeing to do so and we cannot let you know that they changed their minds. Some students will sign a release allowing us to inform you that they came to counseling, but nothing more. Some will not allow even that. The best way to gain information regarding a student of concern is to follow up with the student.
Behaviors displayed by students who are in crisis and in need of emergency attention might include:

Highly disruptive behaviors, hostility, aggressiveness, violence, etc.
Inability to communicate clearly (garbled speech, slurred speech, unconnected or disjointed thoughts).
Loss of contact with reality (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there, or beliefs and behaviors that are greatly at odds with probability)
Suicidal thoughts that are immediate, including plans or methods.
Homicidal thoughts.
In an emergency situation, stay calm. Do not leave the student alone. Find someone to stay with the student while calls are made to helping resources (Campus Security, 973-408-3379; Counseling and Psychological Services, 972-408-3398 or 911). If a student directly threatens himself or someone else or otherwise behaves bizarrely, immediate attention is needed. Stay with the student or have someone stay with him/her until help arrives.

If a student says anything to you that suggests that the student might be thinking of harming or killing him/herself, ask the student directly. Some comments suggesting suicidal thoughts may be subtle, others may be more obvious. You might hear, for example, “I just think life is not worth living.” “Things have been so bad lately, I just want to give up and disappear.” “Everything in my life has gone wrong, I’m not sure that I want to go on.”

Walk the student over to the Counseling Center for immediate assistance. Please call our Office Manager at 973-408-3398 to alert us that you are on your way. With the student in your office, call the Counseling Center to consult with a counselor 973-408-3398.

You can provide the student with the Uwill crisis number: 833-646-1526 and have them talk to a licensed therapist immediately.

If you believe that the student might be in imminent danger, do not hesitate to contact Campus Security 973-408-3379 or 911 immediately.

Call us. We often consult with faculty when a situation is unclear, distressing, and/or difficult. We will work with you through a process or course of action.