
Regular semester hours (Fall and Spring):

Monday – Friday: 9am-4pm

Academic breaks (winter and spring break):

Monday-Friday 9am-4pm

Summer administrative hours (available by phone and email):

Monday-Thursday: 9am-3pm

Friday: 9am-12pm

Medical appointments are limited during the summer. Please call in advance for availability or see options for off-campus medical care on the Emergency page.

Hours are subject to change. The Health Service is closed on weekends and when the university is closed.

The Health Service does not manage any chronic (long-term) or complex health conditions. Students who are under the care of a provider or specialist for their chronic condition should make arrangements prior to coming to campus as to how that condition will be managed while at Drew. This includes prescriptions for medications or other treatments. In some cases, students may have to establish care with a local provider for continued care. Health Service staff may, on a case-by-case basis, provide certain services such as lab collection or medication administration in collaboration with your provider. If a chronic or ongoing condition arises while at Drew, a referral to an outside provider will be made.

  • Outpatient  medical care by appointment
  • Diagnostic tests performed at our certified laboratory or sent to an outside facility, including blood draws
  • Allergy shots
  • Evaluation and treatment of injury or illness (such as fevers, respiratory illnesses, stomach problems, sprains and strains, skin problems)
  • Physical examinations
  • Referral to specialists
  • Medication prescriptions from our in house dispensary or from a pharmacy of your choice
  • Smoking cessation assistance
  • General health counseling


When a patient schedules an appointment and does not keep it, they are denying another student access to our services. If you need to cancel or change your appointment you must do this at least one hour prior to the scheduled appointment time. If an appointment is cancelled less than one hour prior to the appointment time or you do not come, you will be charged a $15 fee. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, we regret that we will not be able to hold your appointment time and you will be charged a $15 missed appointment fee.

No fee for routine office visits. For any services that incur a fee, refer to the Fee Schedules and Forms of Payment below.

  • Plan B/Emergency Contraception
  • Contraceptive counseling and prescriptions (birth control pills available on site)
  • Gynecological examinations and pap smears
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Sexually transmitted infection prevention, counseling, testing and treatment
  • HIV testing
  • Prescriptions for PrEP
  • HPV vaccine
  • Free condoms available

There are also HIV and STD testing sites off campus.  These sites may or may not have fees.  In Morristown Planned Parenthood has testing facilities and providers who can provide appropriate treatments if needed.  Free HIV testing, as well as PrEP counseling,  is available at the Family Health Center of Morristown Medical CenterFree STI testing sites in NJ also are available for some services.

  • Immunizations including those required for admission or travel. Available vaccines include: MMR; Hepatitis B; Hepatitis A; MenQuadfi (meningitis); HPV; Tdap; Typhoid. Please contact the Health Service to confirm the most up to date availability of vaccines.
  • International travel advisory
  • flu shots
As a convenience for students, Drew University Health Service will provide ongoing immunotherapy injections (allergy shots) for students who have previously had immunotherapy treatment. Students must present in advance to drop off their serum before they can schedule an appointment to receive their allergy shots.  The student must also sign a consent and have their allergist review and sign the Allergist Instructions for Administration of Allergy Extract. Allergy shots are given by appointment only and when a nurse practitioner or physician is on site.

Please complete the following documents and bring them to the Health Service prior to your first allergy appointment.

Refills for a limited supply of medications may be requested by email if arrangements have previously been discussed with your provider at the Health Service.


To request refills of medications prescribed by the Health Service: send an email to health@drew.edu. State your name, the name of the medication and strength that was prescribed. If your request is received by 9 AM on a weekday the prescription will be ready for pick up by 3PM that same day. No appointment is needed but be prepared to arrange payment for the medications when it is picked up. Requests for medications not picked up within two weeks of request will need to be re-submitted. Email requests are not processed over weekends or academic breaks.

The Health Service does not direct bill insurance (except for the the Drew student health insurance). Students who are not enrolled in the student insurance plan will have to pay for billable services such as on-site lab tests and medications purchased from the Health Service dispensary. Students can access an insurance coded receipt from their health portal for any billable services provided at the Health Service, and submit to their insurance for reimbursement. Be aware that your private insurance may or may not pay for our services since we do not belong to any HMOs and may be considered out of network.

There is no fee for routine office visits. For any fees that may be incurred at the Health Service, below are methods of payment:

1. Using Your CAMPUS ID Card

To add funds to your Campus ID card: Go to treehouse.drew.edu > Student tab > Click “View DrewCard Balances and Add Funds” under the “Dining Plans and DrewCard” section > Click “Add Funds to DrewCard” > Add the appropriate amount under “Bookstore (Discretionary) Account” using a credit or debit card.

  • Please do this within 24 hours of your visitto avoid having the charge sent to your tuition bill with an additional $10.00 processing fee.

2. Sending the Charge to your Tuition Bill

  • Charges that are sent to your tuition bill will have a $10.00 processing fee added.  Charges are put through at the end of the month.
  • Personal Health Expense is the only description that will appear on your tuition bill.

3. Using a Personal Check

  • Your check must include your name and address printed on/or hand-written in the top left corner
  • Include your CAMPUS ID number in the notes section of your check.

Students may access a receipt from their visit from their health portal by following the instructions below. Your receipt serves as your claim form and can be submitted to your insurance company for reimbursement.  Check with your insurance company to see if the services rendered are covered by your insurance plan.

To access your receipt, Go to drew.studenthealthportal.com or from Treehouse: Student Tab > Health Services > My Health Portal.

Click on Appointments > View Appointments

Upcoming/Previous > Choose “Previous”

Find the appointment date you’re looking for.  Next to the appointment, click on “Actions” and choose “Receipt.”