To comply with state and university regulations, all students attending classes at Drew University are required to submit health forms by the following due dates:.

Due Dates
 EOS/ Summer Session 1 June 15
Fall Semester/ Summer Session 2 July 15
Spring Semester January 15
D.Min September 15
MAT May 15
MFA June 15/December 15

Drew University is committed to providing a healthy environment for all students and is compliant with all state and federal regulations that apply to the health and safety of students (NJAC 8:57-6.1 to 8:57-6.18). In order to protect students from vaccine-preventable diseases and to comply with New Jersey law and University requirements, students must submit the necessary health forms to the Health Service by dates listed above. It is the responsibility of all  students to comply with these requirements. Failure to do so will result in registration and/or campus housing holds. All documents must be in English.

Health forms and instructions are available to incoming students on our website under New Students: Submitting your Health Forms.

Short-Term International Students

International students who are enrolled in a short-term program must be compliant prior to their arrival on campus. If they are not compliant when they arrive, they may not attend classes nor may they reside on campus. It is the responsibility of the Admissions Office of the school in the programs of which these students are participating to instruct students about this policy, to provide Health Services with the required forms, and to alert non compliant students in a timely way.

Leave of Absence

Students who take a leave-of-absence longer than one year are required to update their medical records. Students who are continuously enrolled are not required to resubmit their health forms.

Failure to Comply

Health Services is responsible for maintaining a current list of non compliant students on the University database. If the required forms are not complete or are not submitted to Health Services by Friday of the second week of classes the Dean of Campus Life and Student Affairs will be so informed. Students will not be permitted to register for subsequent classes.

The State of New Jersey permits exemption from certain immunization requirements under the following conditions:


Students born before January 1, 1957 are automatically exempt from the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccination requirement. However, age does not exempt a student taking more than 12 credits from the Hepatitis B vaccine requirement or a new student residing in campus housing from the Meningococcal A, C, Y, & W-135 vaccination requirement, students are still required to complete all other documents on the New Student Documents.


Students are not required to have any vaccinations that are medically contraindicated. To apply for a medical exemption, the student must have the Medical Exemption form completed and signed by a health care provider. Students applying for a medical exemption from a certain vaccination must comply with all other pre-entrance health requirements including alternate laboratory antibody testing for the vaccine that the student cannot receive (i.e., measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B). Completed forms should be uploaded through myhealth.

Applications for medical exemptions from certain vaccinations are reviewed and approved by the Director of Health Services. When the student’s medical condition permits vaccination, the medical exemption will end and the student will be required to obtain the vaccination that he/she was exempted from receiving.

Drew University may temporarily exclude a student with a medical exemption from vaccination from classes and from participating in college sponsored activities during a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak or   threatened outbreak. The decision to exclude a student with a medical exemption will be made by the University in consultation with the New Jersey Commissioner of Health.

Reference: N.J.A.C. 8:57-6.14


New Jersey permits exemption from mandatory vaccination for students with religious objections to the administration of these agents. To apply for a religious exemption, the student must provide the Health Service with the completed Religious Exemption that is dated and signed by the student (co-signed by the parent or legal guardian if the student will be under 18 years of age by the time of campus arrival). Completed forms should be uploaded to myhealth.

Students applying for a religious exemption from vaccinations must comply with all other pre-entrance health requirements including alternate laboratory antibody testing for those diseases against which the student has not been vaccinated and which are required for attendance at Drew University. These include measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B.

Applications for religious exemptions from vaccination are reviewed and approved by the Director of Health Services and/or designees. Drew University may temporarily exclude a student with a religious exemption from vaccination from classes and from participating in college sponsored activities during a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak or threatened outbreak. The decision to exclude a student with a religious exemption will be made by the University in consultation with the New Jersey Commissioner of Health.

Reference: N.J. A.C. 8:57-6:15.

Additional information on immunization requirements may be found at:

Flu vaccines are available at the Health Service for all Drew students and employees starting in the fall semester. Several flu clinics are held in the fall and are announced to the campus community. Individual appointments can also be scheduled.

Besides the vaccine, here are other ways to prevent the flu and the spread of germs:

Avoid close contact with others who are ill; stay home from school or work if you are sick; cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze; wash your hands frequently; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth; and practice general good health habits such as getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of fluids, and eating a healthy diet.

For more information on the flu, click here.

Confidentiality Statement

All medical care provided at Drew Health Service is strictly confidential. Protected health information (PHI) cannot be released without your written consent/authorization unless mandated by law. If a patient is 18 years of age or older, we cannot release any information without his/her consent, even to parents. This information includes diagnosis, appointment history, test results, and billing information. To have health information shared with others, students must complete An Authorization to Use or Disclose Health Information form that is available upon request on the student’s MyHealth portal.

The Dean of Campus Life and Student Affairs and others on a need to know basis will be notified when there is:

  1. Threat of harm to self or harm to others
  2. Hospitalization following an emergency

Information will be released in the following situations, as required by law:

  1. Request for records by subpoena
  2. Some communicable diseases must be reported to the Department of Health
  3. Immunization records maintained at the Health Service must be available to some university officials and state inspectors on a need to know basis.

Please read our full Notification of Privacy Practices.

Notification of Family and Professors of Illness or Absences.

Students are responsible for notifying family and/or faculty of illnesses. In the event of a serious emergency or life threatening illness, the Dean or Associate Dean of Campus Life and Student Affairs will be notified and all efforts will be made to inform family & faculty if the student is unable to do so him/herself. For routine matters, the Health Service staff will respond to questions from family members or others about a specific visit or illness when the student has given us documented permission to do so. Students may request authorization forms for “release of information” from Health Services as appropriate.

Faculty should understand that Health Services does not give a student permission to miss class. Except for occasions when an office visit involves a serious illness, contagion or a recommendation for bed rest or limited activity, it will be up to the faculty to decide if the illness warranted missing a class or exam. It is recommended that faculty advise students of this policy at the beginning of each semester.

Client Rights and Responsibilities

You Have the Right:

  1. To receive considerate and respectful care at DUHS.
  2. To receive an explanation of your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in terms you can understand using translation services as necessary. When it is medically inadvisable to give such information to you, the information will be provided to a person designated by you or a legally authorized person.
  3. To receive the necessary information to participate in decisions about your care and to give your informed consent before any diagnostic or therapeutic procedure is performed including procedures related to research.
  4. To refuse treatment, and to be informed of the consequences of making this decision.
  5. To expect that your personal privacy will be respected by all staff.
  6. To expect that your medical records will be kept confidential and will be released only with your written consent, or in case of medical emergencies, or in response to court ordered subpoenas. (Confidentiality may be withdrawn if the individual poses a significant threat to self or others.)
  7. To know the names and credentials of people involved in your care by official name tag and/or personal introduction.
  8. To ask and receive an explanation of any charges that may be made by Drew, even though they may be covered by insurance.
  9. To obtain another medical opinion prior to any treatment.
  10. To change medical providers if other qualified providers are available.
  11. To review any medical records created and maintained by Drew Health Services regarding your care and treatment.
  12. To refuse to participate in experimental research
  13. To express any complaints you may have about the care you received by first notifying the Director of DUHS or the Office of Campus Life & Student Affairs.

You Are Responsible:

  1. For providing accurate information about your past health history this includes but is not limited to any medications including over the counter products and dietary supplements and any allergies or sensitivities.
  2. For asking questions if you do not understand the explanation of your diagnosis treatment, prognosis or any instructions.
  3. For following the treatment plan prescribed.
  4. For providing the necessary personal information to complete your file. This includes any living will, power of attorney, or other directive that may affect your care. An Advance Directive Form is available upon request.
  5. For providing a responsible adult to transport you home from the facility and remain with you for 24 hours, if required by our provider.
  6. For any charges billed to you.
  7. For showing respect to all health service staff and other students/patients.

Our Notice of Privacy Practices can be found here.

Let us know if we are meeting your needs as a patient. 


Drew University maintains an on-campus health center for university students and requires that certain health-related documents be submitted before beginning class.  All enrolled students that have paid the General Fee are eligible to access care at DUHS regardless of their insurance status. Students are not required to be enrolled in the DUHS student insurance plan in order to  access care.


Submission of the health related documents is a requirement for admission. All students are advised of the health requirements at the time of enrollment. Instructions for completing health forms are available from the Health Service web page.  Health forms are accessible from the student’s MyHealth portal. All medical documents will be maintained at the University Health Service. Medical Records will be kept confidential with the exception of immunization records. In order to comply with state law, student immunization records will not be considered confidential since they must be available to state inspectors and other departments on a need to know basis.

  • Health History Forms (Grad, Theo and CUE may waive the physical examination requirement)
  • Tuberculin Risk Questionnaire. Students who fall in the high risk category are required to complete the High Risk for Tuberculosis form with a health care provider.
  • Immunization Record which includes documentation of two Measles immunizations and at least one Rubella and one Mumps immunization given on or after the first birthday as required by NJ law. Laboratory proof of immunity to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella is acceptable documentation. Hepatitis B immunization series if taking 12 credits in any one semester while at Drew.
  • Students born before January 1, 1957 are age-exempt from the Measles requirement. However, all students must return the immunization form to the health service in order to register for class
  • All resident students will be required to receive the meningitis vaccine(s) per NJ state law.
  • Medical records can be transferred from a current college/university to Drew University Health Service when student is studying at Drew on a temporary basis (i.e. exchange students, UN and Art Semester, etc.)

Leave of Absence

Students who take a leave of absence or withdraw are not eligible to use the Health Service during their absence. Students who return within one year (up to 365 days from official leave date) are not required to resubmit medical documentation, but students who return 366 days or more from their leave date will be required to resubmit medical documentation (please call Health Service for more information)

Graduates Who Re-Enter Drew

  • Students who graduate from Drew and who immediately continue to matriculate in a Drew program are not required to resubmit medical documentation.
  • Students who graduate from Drew and re-enter after one year are required to update their record.
  • Pediatric care is not provided. Referrals are given for community care.
  • Referrals for health care services not provided by Health Service are available at the Health Service

Staff, Faculty and Administration are provided with courtesy service at DUHS in the following categories:

  • Flu vaccine, blood pressure checks, health promotion literature
  • International travel advisory and immunization when traveling with students on a Drew sponsored program. A prescription for recommended vaccines must be submitted from the individual’s personal physician


Any exception to the eligibility requirements as stated above must be specifically approved by the Director of Health Service.

Basic health supplies may not be at the top of your list of items to bring to college but having a personal supply of over-the-counter medicines and first aid materials can save you a trip to the pharmacy or book store when you don’t feel like going out. Some of the medicines listed may not be right for you; check with your health care provider if you have special health conditions before using any medicines. We recommend that you bring the following supplies with you at the beginning of the school year.


  • A digital thermometer to check for fevers.
  • Bandaids, gauze, adhesive tape, and antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin for small wounds.
  • Heating pad to relieve muscle aches and pains.
  • Reusable hot/cold pack for minor sprains and strains.  You can make an inexpensive cold pack by mixing 1/2 water, 1/2 rubbing alcohol in a ziplock plastic bag — this will never freeze hard and you can add food coloring to make it “blue”.
  • Ace wrap also for minor sprains.
  • All health insurance and prescription cards or front and back copies of these cards.
  • Antacids such as Tums, Rolaids, or Mylanta for heartburn or stomach distress.
  • Acid reducer such as Zantac or Pepcid.
  • Anti-diarrheals such as Pepto Bismol or Imodium AD. Dramamine will also help with nausea.
  • Antihistamines such as Claritin or Benadryl for relief of allergy symptoms.
  • Anti-inflammatory creams such as Cortaid for minor rashes, itching, or bug bites.
  • Cough suppressant/expectorant such as Robitussin DM or Mucinex DM. Also a jar of honey (make sure to include a few clean spoons).
  • Decongestants to relieve sinus pressure and stuffy noses.
  • Fever and pain reducer such as Acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
  • Saline nasal spray for relieving dryness in nasal passages.
  • Any prescription medication you normally take.

Please come to Health Services for any health needs you may have. Call for an appointment at (973) 408-3414.

Drew University Health Services strives to treat each patient with respect and dignity. We are committed to achieving the highest level of patient satisfaction and ensuring that each patient’s and visitor’s needs are met. Our staff meets regularly to evaluate our processes and implement patient care and safety initiatives. Patients who have a question, complaint, or concern about their care are encouraged to contact the Director of Health Services at 973-408-3414 or the office of Campus Life and Student Affairs located in the Ehinger Center.

Medications from the Health Service Dispensary

Certain prescription and non-prescription medications are available on-site for students who are seen by a Health Service practitioner. Students enrolled in the student insurance plan will not be billed for prescription medication dispensed at the Health Service (except travel vaccines) .

Medications from an Outside Pharmacy

There are several pharmacies located near campus to have prescriptions filled. Students are responsible for providing insurance and payment information directly to the pharmacy.

Walgreens Pharmacy

122 Main Street, Madison


CVS Pharmacy

641 Shunpike Road, Chatham (Hickory Square)


CVS Pharmacy

471 Main Street, Chatham


Madison Pharmacy

66 Main Street, Madison


Delivers to campus

Medications available in the Health Service: Medication Fee Schedule.

Authorize disclosure of your health information — The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act requires all health care providers to protect your health record privacy.  For this reason, you must provide specific permission for the release or disclosure of this information to allow DUHS to discuss your health information with anyone EXCEPT in an emergency situation. Health records are kept at the health center for 10 years.

Process for Requesting Release of Your Medical Record

Students can also access their own medical records at any time via their health portal. Log onto your health portal by using your Drew credentials to access immunization records, lab reports, visit summaries, and receipts.
