
There’s always something going on.

From the very beginning…

You’ll be amazed at the exciting activities planned to make you feel right at home! We’re a part of your campus life from the moment you arrive at Summer Orientation to the time you proudly walk the aisle to accept your diploma.

Why get involved?

One of the most important reasons to maintain an active Drew lifestyle: everyone needs a break, no matter how studious you are! You’ll also make lifelong friends, challenge yourself to participate in new activities, further develop your leadership and teamwork skills, gain a greater sense of diversity… and you’ll have a blast!

Move In Day | Drew University

Amazon Prime’s The College Tour

An Accelerated Opportunity: The Master’s-in-5 Experience

Elizabeth Blank C’25, G’26 discusses student life at Drew.

Student Leader Experience

Nicole Sydor C’24, G’26 talks about all the ways to get involved on campus.

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