
  1. All fundraising events need to be approved by the Office of Student Activities and must be sponsored by a recognized student organization. All financial transactions must be handled by members of the student organization.
  2. The use of third party fundraising/crowdsourcing sites such as Kickstarter or GoFundMe are not permitted.
  3. All funds raised from the event must be deposited into the student organization’s account. An individual or individuals of the student organization may not participate for private financial gain. All checks must be written to the student organization.
  4. Admission charges shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran status.

Clubs or Organization Sales/Solicitations (Conducted on Campus)

  1. Student organizations wishing to sell or collect donations on-campus (including in the Residence Halls) must meet with the Office of Student Activities. The Office of Student Activities will coordinate with other departments
  2. The sale of items which directly compete with the Drew Bookstore will not be permitted within or directly around the University Center.
  3. Student Organizations wishing to table in the University Center must reserve a table with the Office of Student Activities. (Please note there are only two tables available for Student Organization use)

Drew Friends/Family/Alumni Solicitations

  1. Sales/Solicitations to off-campus memebers requires pre-approval of the campaign and letter/form before mailing. A meeting with the Office of Student Activities should be made for additional information. The Office of Student Activities will coordinate contact and collaboration with othe departments
  2. All checks must be made payable to Drew Univerisity; with the student organization’s name in the memo line.

Donations from Off Campus Vendors

  1. Before a student organization approaches an off-campus business for donations they must first meet and provide a list of businesses they plan to solicit and a copy of the letter to the Office of Student Activities. Both the list of business and letter must be approved by the Development Office.
  2. All checks must be made payable to Drew University; with the student organization’s name in the memo line.
  3. Once donations have been received the student organization must provide the Development Office with the following information for each business:
    1. Business name and address
    2. Contact person
    3. Monetray amount of donation (i.e. price listed on menu)

Sales from Off Campus Vendors

  1. All sales/solicitations involving non-campus vendors must be sponsored by a University office, department or approved student organization. Vendors will be charged a $50.00 administrative fee (and in some cases, a negotiated % of gross sales). These fees are to be paid prior to the vendor leaving campus on the day of the sale. The Vendor is required to sign a simple agreement that references this understanding.
  2. The sale of items which directly compete with the Drew Bookstore will not be permitted within or directly around the University Center.
  3. Sales/Solicitations on campus may take place only in specified, approved locations. Sales/Solicitations in the residence halls requires the pre-approval of the Residence Life Office.


  1. Drawings, Raffles, Lotteries and other “games of chance” must not only be approved, but must be registered in the Office of Student Activities. There are specific requirements under the laws of NJ which govern this activity.
  2. All prizes must be on hand (or if monetary, deposited in the appropriate student organization account). Ticket design (if used) must include the following information:
    1. Name of sponsoring organization
    2. Name of the group receiving the proceeds (if other than the sponsoring organization)
    3. Date, time and location of the drawing
    4. Description of prize
    5. Suggested donation
  3. The ticket must also include the specific statement: “No Purchase Necessary” Printed tickets must be approved by Student Activities staff. Any other supporting documents, as requested by Student Activities to meet current state requirements, must be on file in the Office of Student Activities.
  4. Proceeds can be deposited only into a student organization account. The representative of the sponsoring organization must:
    1. State in writing the number of tickets returned unissued.
    2. Subtract the number of tickets unissued from the total number of tickets available; multiply the resulting number (tickets available minus tickets issued) times the suggested donation (if any) to determine the total amount of money taken in. This amount is the total that is listed and deposited into the account for this ticket event.
    3. If the total amount of money deposited does NOT equal the total amount of money that should have been taken in, the representative must explain in writing why the amounts do not agree.

Corporate Underwriting/Sponsorship

  1. Corporate Underwriting or Sponsorship is defined as support from a commercial, profit or non-profit organization for an event or fund raising activity sponsored by a recognized student organization. Support will include the donation of dollars and/or materials of monetary value provided to the student organization.
  2. The sponsoring student organization needs to determine, with the Office of Student Activities, whether a signed agreement with the Corporate Underwriter/Sponsor is necessary. The agreement outlines the physical and financial conditions placed on both parties for the duration of the event/fund raising activity.
  3. The Development Office will maintain a list of businesses that should not be solicited by student organizations.