New Student Orientation Committee Members

The Orientation Committee (OC) members are an integral part of every new student’s success on the Drew’s campus. As one of the first faces that a new student comes to know, the OC are ‘goodwill ambassadors’ trained to help an incoming first year and transfer students feel comfortable about their new college experience. Community is the cornerstone of being at Drew and the OC are instrumental in laying the foundations.

Each OC leader is carefully trained to be able to help make a new student’s adjustment to Drew easier. More than just helping students, the OC helps students feel more comfortable about the college transition by answering their questions about college and Drew life, helping new students bond with other students through a series of activities during the five days of orientation and into the semester that follows.

In fact, this relationship begins once students are admitted to Drew. An OC leader will be a liaison and resource as early as the semester before arrival, throughout the summer months, and through the fall semester. Incoming new students are assigned to a small group with one OC leader. Oftentimes, the small groups communicate with one another over the summer and students get to know each other before they arrive on campus for orientation.


2023-2024 Orientation Committee
Sarah Perry C’23
Graduate Student Coordinator
Program: Master of Arts in Teaching, Secondary ELA

Elizabeth Blank C’25
Orientation Coordinator
Major: History
Minor: Environmental Justice & Teaching

Aidan Toryk C’25
Major: Theatre Arts
Minor: Musical Theatre

Amira Mutakabbir C’25
Major: Chemistry

Andy Bentley C’26
Major: Theatre Arts
Minors: Applied Performance

Anjelina Grisafe C’26
Major: Media and Communications
Minor: Psychology

Ashley George C’24
Major: Biology & Nutrition
Minor: Photography

Brynn McCarthy C’25
Major: Biology & Music

Christina Rodden C’24
Major: Theatre Arts & Media and Communications
Minor: English Literature

Eden Linton C’24
Major: Media and Communications
Minor: Photography

Elliot Franklin C’25
Minor: Sociology

Emily Cookson C’26
Major: English & Philosophy

Faith Ansah C’25
Major: Computer Science
Minor: French

Felix Ban C’24
Major: Environmental Studies & Sustainability

Jason Amaro Davila C’25
Major: Media & Communications and Theatre Arts
Minor: Spanish & Musical Theatre

Josh Dubose C’24
Major: Biology
Minor: Psychology

Julia Caldwell C’24
Major: English
Minor: Theater Arts and Film

Kathleen Frazier C’24
Major: Finance
Minor: Business, Data Science, & Economics

Lexi Deronde C’26
Major: Theatre Arts
Minor: Psychology & Education

Madelyn Morgan C’26
Minor: English

Nora Wilson C’26
Major: Environmental Studies

Preethi Rao C’24
Major: Marketing & Media and Communications

Sophia Dinnocenzo C’26
Major: Political Science
Minor: Economics

Sophie Dixon C’24
Major: Mathematics & Marketing

Theo Krueger C’26
Major: Physics

Tyler Schmied C’26
Major: International Relations & French
Minor: Economics

Will Fritch C’24
Major: Finance
Minor: Economics

Zoey Shimp C’26
Major: Marketing & Media and Communications
Minor: Business