The weeks before students head to college is one that may be filled with excitement, anxiety, pride, and certainly change. To help with this journey from the parent and family perspective, a number of resources are identified below for you review. Every situation is different, though there are many commonalities to the experiences. Hopefully you will find these resources helpful.

At Drew, we hope that parents and families will be part of your students’ college experience, by being a resource to guide our students toward addressing issues and concerns they may encounter. There are professional staff members on campus, many within Campus Life and Student Affairs, who can advise students with regard to making good decisions, obtaining academic or social assistance, finding their niche and making their way throughout their time here at Drew University. We would appreciate your assistance and guidance in encouraging your student to become familiar with many of these departments and their services as these offices will assist your student directly, as each individual student works toward success as he or she takes on the responsibilities and expectations as a Drew student.

Learn more about Winter Orientation 2023.

Resources for Parents

There are many ways to find out more about the transition of students to college, as well as the changes that may take place at home for the rest of the family. The following list is an abridged inventory of materials you may be interested in reviewing as your student prepares for the college experience


“Bringing Home the Laundry: Effective Parenting for College and Beyond”by Janis Brody (2001) ISBN-13: 978-0878331840

“Campus Daze, Easing the Transition from High School to College”
by George Gibbs (2000) ISBN 157509116X

“Don’t Tell Me What to Do, Just Send Money: The Essential Parenting Guide to the College Years”by Helen E. Johnson and Christine Schelhas-Miller (2000) ISBN-10: 0312263740

“Doors Open from Both Sides”by Margo Woodacre and Steffany Bane (2001) ISBN 1561676802

“An Educated Choice: Advice for Parents of College Bound Students”
by Frank A. Brock (2002) ISBN-13: 978-0801063862

“Empty-Nest Parenting: Adjusting Your Stewardship as Your Children Leave Home”
by Richard M. Eyre (2002) ISBN-13: 978-1570087318

“A family guide to academic advising”
by Smith, Donald C. & Gordon, Virginia N. (2003) National Academic Advising Association, National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition

“Getting Ready for College: Everything You Need to Know before You Go from Bike Locks to Laundry Baskets, Financial Aid to Health Care”
by Polly Berent, Foreword by Robert Franek (student focused, not parents) ISBN 0812968964

“Helping your first-year college student succeed: A guide for parents”
South Carolina: The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. Mullendore, R.H. & Hatch, C. (2000) ISBN 1889271314

“How to Survive and Thrive on an Empty Nest: Reclaiming Your Life When Your Children Have Grown”
by Jeannette C. Lauer and Robert Lauer (1999) ISBN 1572241373

“I’ll Miss You Too: A Parent and Student Guide to Opening Doors and Staying Connected during the College Years”
by Margo E. Bane Woodacre, and Steffany Bane. Sourcebooks Inc. (2005) SBN 1402206410

“The Launching Years: Strategies for Parenting from Senior to College Life”
by Laura Kastner and Jennifer Fugett Wyatt ISBN 9780609808061 (unknown reviews and content)

“Let the Journey Begin: A Parent’s Monthly Guide to the College Experience”
by Jacqueline MacKay and Wanda Ingram (2001) ISBN-13: 9780618077137

“Letting Go: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding the College Years”
by Karen Levin Cobum and Madge Lawrence Treger ISBN-13: 978-0060521264

“Parents’ Guide to College Life: 181 Straight Answers on Everything You can Expect Over the Next Four Years”
by Robins Raskin. Princeton Review, (2006) ISBN 0375764941

“You’re on Your Own (But I’m Here if You Need Me): Mentoring Your Child During the College Years”
by Marjorie Savage (2003) ISBN-13: 9780743229128

Words to Live By: A Journal of Wisdom for Someone You Love Emily MarshallKate Marshall (2005)