This policy and associated procedures define terms, conditions, and expectations for users of the University Libraries and Special Collections.
Drew University Library seeks to provide both convivial and silent study spaces for our patrons. For the convenience of Library users, we have instituted the following policy regarding food and drink in the library:
Food and covered drinks are permitted in most areas of the Library (except the Special Collections Building and the Kean Room*) within the following guidelines:
- Be mindful of those around you. The spirit of the policy is respect for fellow students and library staff, and care of our equipment and materials.
- Please keep the library neat. Library users must clean up after themselves: dispose of trash in appropriate containers at the front doors or remove it from the building as you leave.
- Drinks should be covered to prevent spills and to protect our materials.
- Please report large spills to Circulation as soon as possible. Paper towels are available in all restrooms for cleaning up small spills.
- Food is not permitted where it interferes with others’ use of the Library.
- Food delivery: if you have ordered food to be delivered, you must meet the vendor in the lobby or outside after the doors are locked. Circulation staff cannot direct, escort, receive, or hold deliveries.
- Cooking, cooking appliances, and open flames are not permitted in Library public spaces.
- No Alcoholic Beverages. Consumption of alcohol is not permitted with the exception of legal-aged guests at authorized University events where alcohol is served.
*Exceptions may be granted for scheduled events that have received Library Administrative approval prior to the event. Staff may consume food in their offices and the staff lounge. Non-messy food and non-alcoholic drinks in covered containers may be consumed in the Doctoral Student Lounge.