There are many ways to stay connected with your fellow alumni and informed about happenings at Drew. Whether through social media, enewsletters or, you’re never far away from The Forest.

Be sure to keep Drew up-to-date with your address and email in order to receive our monthly enewsletter The Forest, invitations to events and other offerings.

How to Stay Connected

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Your Contact Information

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Preferred address for all Drew communications

Professional Information

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Share your news with your classmates and other alumni in Classnotes!

All alumni, parents and friends of the University have access to Classnotes online. Be sure to check out to learn more about what is new in The Forest!

Share Your News

Maximum file size: 2MB

Please note, your class note may be featured in our upcoming edition and is subject to editing for clarity and style. Notes may also be shared with our University Communications team for inclusion in other University publications including news stories, profiles, newsletters and/or recruitment materials.


Drew produces several enewsletters to help keep you informed about events, news and people at the University. To ensure continued receipt of appropriate newsletters, please make sure to update your information. If you are not receiving Drew emails and would like to, please contact University Advancement.

Resubscribing to Emails

Unsubscribed from Drew University emails and would like to resume receiving campus updates, announcements, event invitations, e-newsletters, and more? Complete the form here!