In the event of an emergency, the campus community will be notified through a variety of mechanisms including web, email, SMS, and LiveSafe app notifications. The Drew homepage will broadcast an alert and direct users to this emergency page outlining the University’s response.

Reporting an Emergency

Every member of the campus community has a responsibility to be vigilant of possible threats or hazards to themselves or others within the community. If you think that an individual or a situation is hazardous or potentially dangerous you should notify appropriate officials or authorities.

Call 9-1-1 if you believe that an imminent threat caused by a person, situation, or any other reason is occurring or about to occur.

When reporting, you should include as much information as possible. Additionally, wait for the dispatcher to end the call as they may continue to ask you questions or provide guidance. Some standard information you should be prepared to provide include:

  • Location of the incident

  • What you observed

  • When did this occur (date and time)

  • Description of the condition or behavior observed (such as fire, smoke, unusual chemical odor, criminal act, actions of a suspicious person, medical emergency, explosion, storm damage, motor vehicle accident, hazardous material released, etc.)

  • Description of any persons or objects (such as bike, car, etc.) involved

  • Location or direction of travel of suspects, victims, and other involved

  • Presence of weapons or suspicious devices

  • Condition of injured or ill person(s)

If you are concerned about an individual or situation and you believe it not to be an imminent threat you can dial Campus Safety at (973) 408-3379. Online forms for incidents, as well as a reporting feature on the LiveSafe app, may also be used.

Emergency Alert Terminology

Some emergency alerts may include terminology related to specific community action. Please familiarize yourself with the following terms and guidelines to assist you and others in making decisions on your best course of action.

Shelter in place. Students and staff remain indoors, perhaps for an extended period of time, as it is deemed safer staying inside the building than walking around campus. Depending on the threat or hazard, students and staff may be required to move to rooms that can be sealed (such as in the event of a chemical or biological hazard), or rooms do not have windows, or to a weather shelter (such as in the event of a tornado). Await further instructions; do not leave until an “all clear” alert is received.

Lockdown. Used to secure school buildings and grounds during incidents that pose an immediate threat of violence in or around the school. Lock doors, turn off lights, stay away from windows and place phones on a silent mode. Await further instructions; do not leave until an “all clear” alert is received. You can find our ALICE™ online training here.

Evacuation. Proceed through the safest, nearest exit; if you are able, assist individuals with special needs. Don’t use elevators. Close the door if you are the last person out of a room. Alert responders to missing people, and call (973) 408-3379 or 9-1-1 for assistance.

Health Emergencies


If someone is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1 or Campus Security at (973) 408-3379.

When reporting, you should include as much information as possible. Additionally, wait for the dispatcher to end the call as they may continue to ask you questions or provide guidance. Some standard information you should be prepared to provide include:

  • Location of the injured person

  • Condition of injured or ill person(s)

  • What you are observing

    • Is the person conscious?

    • Is the person breathing?

    • Is the person bleeding and if so, how severe?

    • Any known dangers, e.g., chemicals, objects causing the accident, etc.

  • Any other information you may have available, including updates on the person’s conditions and changes.

If you know first aid and are able to assist, you may do so at your personal discretion.

You may need to escort or guide responding off-campus authorities into the building.

If an employee is injured, the supervisor or Human Resources should be notified.

If a student is injured, they can contact Drew University’s Health Services at (973) 408-3414. While we are proud that Drew University’s Health Services is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Care, Inc., it will not be able to provide all emergency care and follow-up. The staff of Nurse Practitioners receive oversight from the University Physician through a relationship with the Atlantic Health System, and partner with local ambulance squads for transportation of students to area hospitals.

Security staff are certified under the Security Officer Registration Act (SORA), and they, and other key employees (e.g. coaching, residence life, etc.) receive emergency medical response training.

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are located throughout campus. They can be found in:  Brothers College, Dorothy Young Center, Ehinger Center, Hall of Sciences, Health Center, Mead Hall, Pepin Services, Rose Memorial Library, Seminary Hall, Simon Forum, and the University Commons.

If someone is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1 or Campus Security at (973) 408-3379.

A psychological or mental health emergency is an emotional or behavioral crisis that warrants same-day or immediate attention by a mental health professional. This may include, but is not limited to, significant changes in behavior that are not characteristic of a person, the presence of disruptive symptoms that interfere with the responsibilities of daily living, direct or indirect expressions or the intent to harm self or others, or the experience of a trauma or assault. Drew University’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is staffed Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm and collaborates with Campus Security to respond 24 hours a day.

The University has distributed throughout campus, and includes on student ID cards, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline phone number:  (800) 273-8255.

Life-threatening Situations

If a student is in a life threatening situation and is on campus, call Campus Security at

(973) 408-3379 and request emergency assistance. If a student is off campus, call 9-1-1.

If an employee is in a life threatening situation and is on campus, call Campus Security at  (973) 408-3379 and request emergency assistance. If an employee is off campus, call 9-1-1.

Student in Crisis

During business hours, a student will be seen for a same-day crisis appointment, and staff will evaluate the student for safety and provide appropriate interventions. One should contact CAPS with details of your concerns at (973) 408-3398 or email Voicemail messages go directly to the Office Manager and Executive Director’s email, and that phone and email are ONLY monitored regularly during the regular business day, Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

After business hours, call Campus Security at (973) 408-3379, and they will contact the appropriate staff member to respond.

Students of Concern

If a request for intervention is less urgent, meaning there is a concern but contact with the student can be made in the coming day(s), the University provides an electronic database where a form can be submitted. Such students are reviewed by the Dean of Students office for appropriate contact or referral. You can complete the form here: Student of Concern Report.

Employee Assistance Program

All employees are entitled to use the Employee Assistance Program, currently covered through Unum. You can find more information here.

As a university in a wooded environment, the campus is home to a variety of animals, from bats, deer, foxes, hawks, mice, raccoons, snakes, and the beloved Drew squirrels to name a few. Any direct physical contact with an unknown animal, whether alive or dead, could have serious health consequences. If you have any direct physical contact with an unknown animal, you should seek advice and/or attention from a medical professional.

In the instances of a student death, the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Campus Life should be notified, while for faculty or staff death, the Chief of Staff/Dean of Administration should be notified.

Death on Campus

If a death occurs on campus, 9-1-1 should be called and Campus Security should be notified immediately at (973) 408-3379. Only members of law enforcement will be able to notify the next of kin, which may be provided to them through the appropriate University staff. Law enforcement will be advised of the designated University staff member for the family to communicate with during such circumstances. It is best to not post anything to social media until it is known that the next of kin has been notified. The University works with the next of kin for announcements to the community when appropriate.

Death Off-Campus

Response to any death occurring off campus will be handled initially by the local law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction where the death occurred.

  • If a death occurs during University-sponsored travel in the United States, the University staff member accompanying the trip should immediately contact local emergency services and the local law enforcement agency. As soon as possible, once the situation is secured, the University staff member must contact Campus Security who will initiate the on-campus response.

  • If a death occurs while the student is studying abroad, the policies of the Office for Global Education should be followed, and Campus Security should be called to initiate on-campus response.

Weather Emergencies

Weather emergencies may be forecasted or occur with little notice. The University will make decisions based on local and state guidance, as well as local and campus conditions. All community members are encouraged to use a weather notification service so that they may be aware of forecasts and guidance from the National Weather Service. Additionally, the NJ Office of Emergency Management (N.J. OEM) and the Morris County Office of Emergency Management may provide more local information.



Weather event definitions used by the National Weather Service can be found using this link.

watch means that conditions are right for dangerous weather in your area.

warning means that severe weather has been spotted.

Often there is confusion around a State of Emergency. New Jersey State law (N.J.S.A. App.A:9-37) allows the Governor to declare a State of Emergency during significant weather events and natural disasters. As defined by the N.J. OEM

The Governor declares a State of Emergency when he/she believes a disaster has occurred or may be imminent that is severe enough to require State aid to supplement local resources in preventing or alleviating damages, loss, hardship or suffering. This declaration authorizes the Governor to speed State agency assistance to communities in need. It enables him to make resources immediately available to rescue, evacuate, shelter, provide essential commodities (i.e., heating fuel, food etc.) and quell disturbances in affected localities. It may also position the State to seek federal assistance when the scope of the event exceeds the State’s resources.  

You can find answers to common questions related to weather incidents at the N.J. OEM website.

declaration of campus emergency, as made by the President or designee, shall serve to inform the campus that normal functions or operations have been impacted or interrupted, and emergent steps are required. All efforts of staff will be to preserve life and property.

General responses in responding to inclement weather include:

  • Avoid traveling around campus.

  • Stay indoors and away from windows.

  • Follow communicated guidance, including when to seek shelter.

Hazardous weather emergencies include but are not limited to:

  • Hurricane

  • Severe wind

  • Tornadoes

  • Severe hail

  • Snow or ice

The following emergency procedures should be reviewed and implemented as necessary in cases of a hazardous weather emergency. General educational resources can be found at


Individuals should monitor the conditions in their own community as there can be significant variability of conditions for those outside of the central campus and Madison areas. Should a weather warning be issued, the University will use a variety of communication methods available and as necessitated by the possible event.

Evacuation and Relocation

In the event of an emergency requiring the complete evacuation of Drew University, declarations and announcements will be made at the time of the evacuation, based on the best information available at that time. While it is very difficult to predict everything that may happen, it is important to remain calm and follow the directions of key campus personnel and law enforcement.

The decision to evacuate the University would be made by the University President, or designee, in consultation with the University Cabinet, and if applicable, in conjunction with local, state and federal authorities.

The University maintains contacts and relationships with local authorities, business entities and other institutes of higher education who all are able to provide assistance if an evacuation and shelter are needed.

Common Evacuation Routes

Those in the rear of campus will be asked to evacuate through the Glenwild Gate. If able, cars should turn right onto Glenwild Road, which will take them towards Loantaka Way to drive towards Routes 287, 78, or 80 (turn left onto Loantaka Way and then right onto Woodland Road). To drive towards the NJ Parkway and NJ Turnpike, make a left onto Glenwild Road, then a right onto Green Village Road, then a left at Shunpike Road. This will take you to Route 24.

Those in the front of campus will be asked to evacuate through a front gate. If able, cars should turn left onto Main Street/Madison Avenue to drive towards Routes 287, 78, and 80 or right to drive towards the NJ Parkway and NJ Turnpike.

Emergency Shelter

Taking shelter may be necessary in times of emergency. There are two forms of “sheltering” which are consolidation or shelter-in-place. The University, through its food service provider, has food/water capability for up to 72 hours.


  • The decision to consolidate is made by the University Cabinet, in conjunction with the VP of Facilities and Campus Operations. Those who will need to consolidate will be communicated to directly and may need to move to another residence hall, classroom, the Simon Forum or University Commons.

  • University staff, including those from Campus Security, Residence Life, and Facilities, will assist in the implementation of the consolidation plan.

  • Those sent to a consolidation site will only be able to return to their original locations when authorized by the University after consultation with Borough officials.


  • Students and staff remain indoors, perhaps for an extended period of time, as it is deemed safer staying inside the building than walking around campus. Depending on the threat or hazard, students and staff may be required to move to rooms that can be sealed (such as in the event of a chemical or biological hazard), are without windows or to a weather shelter (such as in the event of a tornado). All should wait for further instructions; do not leave until an “all clear” alert is received.

During an earthquake, remain calm and quickly follow the steps outlined below:

  • If indoors, seek refuge in a doorway or under a desk or table. Stay away from glass windows, shelves and heavy equipment.

  • If outdoors, quickly move away from buildings, utility poles and other structures.

Caution: Always avoid power or utility lines as they may be energized.

  • If in an automobile, stop in the safest place available, preferably away from power lines and trees. Stop as quickly as safety permits, but stay in the vehicle for the shelter it offers.

  • After the initial shock, evaluate the situation and, if emergency help is necessary, call Campus Security at (973) 408-3379. Protect yourself at all times, and be prepared for aftershocks.

  • Damaged facilities should be reported to Campus Security and Facilities at (973) 408-3510.

  • In all cases of fire, the Department of Campus Security should be notified at (973) 408-3379 and call 9-1-1 immediately.

  • If the fire is small, and you are able to safely extinguish it with a fire extinguisher, do so. Extinguishers and fire alert and suppression systems are inspected and monitored routinely.

  • If you are unable to extinguish the fire, or it is large, pull the fire alarm, exit the building, and inform as many people as possible on your way out. If the fire is external to the building in parking lots or grounds, contact 9-1-1.

  • Know the location of fire extinguishers, fire exits and alarm systems in your area and know how to use them. Training and information are available through Campus Security at (973) 408-3379.

  • Essential staff will work with local authorities to appropriately respond.

  • Interior flooding may occur due to excessive rain, roof leak, water intrusion, etc. Caution should be taken when walking on slippery floors.

  • Use of all electrical equipment should cease. Power may be shut off to affected areas.

  • Campus Security should be notified at (973) 408-3379.

  • Local flooding should be monitored by campus members through appropriate weather services of state/county emergency management agencies, as they travel to and from campus.

A thunderstorm is possible at any time during the year yet are most common March-October. Thunderstorms can produce flash flooding, destructive winds, and lightning. In the United States, lightning typically kills more people than tornadoes and hurricanes combined. Monitor weather forecasts and prepare to take protective actions when thunderstorms are expected.

When outdoors during a thunderstorm:

  • Lightning can strike up to 10 miles from the area where it is raining. If you can hear thunder, you are within striking distance. Seek safe shelter immediately inside an enclosed building that has electrical service or plumbing (which provide electrical grounding) or an enclosed motor vehicle. When thunder roars, get indoors! You can also follow weather apps, like WeatherBug, which have lightning proximity information.

  • While it is not safe to be under trees due to strikes or falling debris from storms, if you are outdoors in a forested area and a structure or motor vehicle is not available, take shelter under a thick growth of small trees. Never stand under a tall, isolated tree.

  • When outdoors during a thunderstorm, avoid the tops of hills and ridgelines. Seek shelter somewhere downslope or in a valley, but avoid areas prone to flash floods.

  • Avoid open areas such as fields during a thunderstorm.

  • Feeling your hair stand on end during a thunderstorm means that lightning is about to strike nearby. Do not lie down on the ground (this places much of your body in contact with the ground and increases your chance of being badly shocked if lightning hits the ground nearby). Instead, squat on the balls of your feet, place your hands over your ears, and tuck your head between your knees. This limits the surface area of your body touching the ground.

If indoors during a thunderstorm:

  • Stay out of the shower or other areas of water (e.g., pools), and away from windows if possible.

  • Avoid using corded phones or electronic devices.

  • Do not go outside until 30 minutes after the last thunderclap.

It is safe to touch a person after they have been struck by lightning. Often, they may suffer from cardiac arrest and CPR may be needed. If you are trained in first aid, use your discretion in assisting and call 9-1-1.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has created this website for lightning safety.

A tornado is a violent windstorm often recognized by a twisting, funnel-shaped cloud. They may occur during extreme temperature/weather changes and thunderstorms, and at times during a hurricane. Damage is often caused either by strong winds or from wind-blown debris. Tornado season is generally March through August, though tornadoes can occur at any time of year. They tend to occur in the afternoons and evenings. More than 80 percent of all tornadoes strike between noon and midnight.

Learn The Danger Signs*

There is no substitute for watching the sky.

  • Tornadoes sometimes have no visible funnel! An approaching cloud of debris can mark the location of a tornado even if no funnel is visible.

  • Tornadoes may be accompanied by hail or heavy rain followed by either dead calm or a fast, intense wind shift. Many tornadoes are wrapped in heavy precipitation and can’t be seen.

  • There may be a loud, continuous roar or rumble that doesn’t fade in a few seconds like thunder.

  • Look for a persistent lowering of the cloud base.

  • At night look for small, bright, blue-green to white flashes at ground level near a thunderstorm (as opposed to silvery lightning up in the clouds). These mean power lines are being snapped by a very strong wind, possibly a tornado.

A Reminder about Watches And Warnings

  • The National Weather Service will issue a Tornado Watch when tornadoes are possible in your area. Remain alert for approaching storms. This is the time to remind family members where the safest places in your home are located, and listen to the radio or television for updates or for instructions from public safety officials.

  • Tornado Warning is issued when a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar.

*The above is from the N.J. OEM website.

If a Tornado Warning is issued for Madison, follow the steps below immediately to increase your safety.

  • Get inside a building.

  • Lock your room door and bring your key and/or ID with you.

  • Go to an inside hallway or stairwell at the lowest level of the building.

  • Take important personal belongings if time and safety permit (wallet, medications, laptops, purses, bookbags, etc.).

  • Stay away from exterior windows and doors as well as display cases, or shelving.

  • Avoid places with wide-span roofs such as auditoriums, theater-style rooms, large hallways, or gymnasiums.

To ensure efficient operations and the safety of the campus community, Campus Security and Facilities Operations ask for your cooperation during all winter storms. Drew University will make every effort to keep the community informed via the appropriate communication modes.

Declaration of a winter weather emergency will be made by the Chief of Staff/Dean of Administration, in conjunction with the VP of Facilities and Campus Operations and the VP for Campus Life.

If conditions require it, classes will be shifted to remote learning, and campus operations will be modified. Events and activities may be canceled or adjusted. Essential employees will be notified with responsibilities by their supervisor.

After a storm passes, all should be cautious when moving around campus due to icing, damaged or down tree limbs, or other hazards.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has created this website for additional information.

Notifications and updates will be posted to Drew’s Emergency Information page: Updates will also be shared via LiveSafe and on social media channels.

Call 9-1-1 from your cell phone to report suspicious activity. Please do not call Campus Security for updates as this will overwhelm our phone lines.

Behavioral and Civil Emergencies


It is impossible to set forth the exact procedures that should be followed in any given situation. It is, however, important that a plan is in place that allows for a foundation that can be used widely. The University utilizes a variety of training modalities and methods for the varied audiences so that the campus may be informed of what to do to prevent and respond to an active shooting situation. The University utilizes the ALICE™ method for training. Training is offered by the Director of Campus Security who is a certified training in the ALICE™ method. You can access the online training here.

What is ALICE™?

The ALICE™ technique augments previously taught strategies and builds off of statistical and situational analysis of past shooting events. This analysis further enforced that the University should move away from the “Lockdown” or “Run-Hide-Fight” strategies, which had been the traditional way of responding to shooting emergencies.

ALICE™ was created as a reaction to lockdown and stay in place strategies to give more empowerment to innocent bystanders caught in an emergency response situation.

ALICE™ stands for: Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate.

ALICE™ is approved by the federal government as a way to educate students and school employees for potential active shooter situations. Statistically, the ALICE™ technique gives students, faculty and staff more options for survival than other responses, which is indicative of why approximately 19 million individuals across the country have received the training.

Rather than a series of steps to perform, the acronym ALICE™ is just an easy way to remember the five individual options an individual can decide to use in order to stay safe.

The decision of which option to use should be based on the situation, and anyone can vary their options as the situation unfolds. Sometimes it may make sense to run away or to lockdown. Sometimes there is no other choice but to fight back. As one continually reassesses their strategy, implementing the ALICE™ principles will help one assess which strategy should be employed.

Remember, the ALICE™ acronym is not a series of sequential steps. Each letter stands for one of the several options an individual can utilize during an emergency.

If a suspicious object or package is seen, or a potential threat was called into campus, do not handle the object. Clear the area and immediately call Campus Security at (973) 408-3379, or 9-1-1.

If you receive a threat document as much as you can about the named threat, as well as information about the individual contacting Drew.

Key information and questions:

  • When is the bomb going to explode?

  • Where is the bomb located?

  • What kind of bomb is it?

  • What does it look like?

  • Why did you place the bomb?

  • What is your name? (In many cases, this question has been answered by a nervous individual.)

Try to continue the conversation until Campus Security or law enforcement are able to take over the call.

In the event a mishap occurs such as an explosion or a downed aircraft (crash) on campus, call 9-1-1 and move to a safe location.