
Drew Among Most Inclusive Schools in the U.S.

Ranked 5th in race/class interaction by The Princeton Review.

April 2019 – Drew University is fifth nationally in having lots of race/class interaction, according to The Princeton Review.

The inclusiveness ranking is based on what undergraduates tell The Princeton Review in its annual survey of colleges in the U.S. Drew has been in the top 10 since 2016 and improved in the most recent survey. For more on the ranking, which EAB recently featured, please click here.

Princeton Review also features Drew in its guides to The Best 384 Colleges, Best Value Colleges and Green Colleges. In addition, it ranks Drew’s Department of Theatre and Dance sixth in the U.S., based on the quality of its productions.

At its core, Drew is dedicated to exceptional faculty mentorship, connecting the campus with the community and experiential learning, as exemplified by Launch, a new, leading edge path to undergraduate education that syncs career development with rigorous academics and powerful community.

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