
The Rev. Donna Olivia Owusu-Ansah T’10

Chaplain, JFK Medical Center | Associate Minister, New Hope Baptist Church

“I really bloomed in the Forest and Drew holds a special place in my heart,” said Donna Olivia Owusu-Ansah. Leaving a teaching career to pursue her calling to ministry, Owusu-Ansah’s pastoral journey has been “exhilarating, exciting and exhausting.” After graduating from Drew, she found a path to Clinical Pastoral Education, leading to her current role at JFK Medical Center. While balancing motherhood and her roles as a chaplain and minister, Owusu-Anasah felt she still “wasn’t doing all that God called her to do.” Expanding her ministry, creating a virtual space and writing a book are just a few accomplishments to help Owusu-Ansah state “I’m here now.”

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