
Where They’re Going: Stephen Rampolla C’22

“Through amazing professors, rigorous classes, and Drew’s dedication to academic excellence, I was able to develop key critical thinking skills that helped me to get to where I am today.”

May 2022 – We’re taking a look at where some of the Drew University College of Liberal Arts Class of 2022 is heading.

Stephen Rampolla C’22

Philosophy major, political science minor

Baldwin Honors Scholar; president of Catholic Campus Ministry; treasurer of Drew College Republicans; member of Phi Beta Kappa (liberal arts and sciences), Phi Sigma Tau (philosophy), and Pi Sigma Alpha (political science) honor societies.

Where he’s going

This fall, Rampolla will attend the University of Virginia’s Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy where he will pursue a master of public policy.

Making the most of Drew

“Through amazing professors, rigorous classes, and Drew’s dedication to academic excellence, I was able to develop key critical thinking skills that helped me to get to where I am today. I could always ask for help from my professors in times of uncertainty, and I was allowed to focus on and heavily research a subject area I was passionate about through the Baldwin Honors program, which has helped me produce my best academic work yet. All the while, I made some great friends, got involved on campus, and had the opportunity to study with a think tank in Washington, DC, through Drew’s outreach and a professor’s kindness in writing a letter of recommendation. Put in the work at Drew, and you will thrive!”

Parting advice

“My best advice: never be afraid to participate, ask questions, and seek out help when you struggle. Whether it’s going up to a professor after class, being the one who raises their hand first, or respectfully challenging an idea you disagree with, it will help build your character and your intellect.”

more on the class of 2022

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