User Support Policies.

Service Center Tickets
  • Backup of files and/or data is the student, faculty or staff member’s responsibility. Students, faculty, and staff have network space available for data backup. For more information on backup options, please see Storage Options and Backing Up Your Data.
  • For Drew-issued machines: Hardware repairs can take from 3 days (non-peak times) to 14 days (peak times) while the manufacturer identifies whether the damage falls under warranty repair. Non-warranty repairs include, but are not limited to, cracked screens, liquid spills, cracked cases, and damaged power pins. Loaners may be issued once a repair is determined to be warranty repair or the customer agrees to pay for any user damages. Manufacturers will not do partial repairs (e.g., repair a faulty power pin if the screen is cracked). Please review the complete loaner policy before requesting a loaner.
  • You will be notified when your hardware repair is complete or you can track the status of your computer at

The Service Center will provide support for standard software for up to five years past its last distribution to students. Some packages/operating systems may be phased out earlier if technical issues merit such a change (eg Y2K). Most software was distributed for use on specific computer configurations. Software installed on systems other than what was originally purchased/supplied by University Technology will receive limited support. Software and operating systems not listed are unsupported. Please contact the vendor directly for further assistance.

Faculty/Staff Configurations

  • Microsoft Office 2016 and 2016 for Mac
  • Microsoft Windows 10, Mac OS 10.13 and later
  • F-Secure For Windows, F-Secure for Mac
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome

Additional support for other software may be available at the Instructional Technology Center, which can be reached by calling the Service Center at 973-408-4357.

Software not already installed on computers can be installed through the Software Center (Windows) or Self Service (Mac).

  • Support for software packages that are not included in standard Drew-issued configurations should be directed to the product support lines for those packages, the store from which the product was purchased, or the person requiring the use of that software.
  • Support for Drew software on non-Drew hardware will be limited to usage. This specifically precludes the ability to offer installation/configuration assistance.
  • Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are independent entities out of our control. We make every effort to keep our standard configuration as flexible as possible, but cannot guarantee conformity for every situation. Please use their customer support services to help resolve off-campus connection problems.
  • We cannot support hardware purchased from other vendors. Please contact the vendor of the hardware in these situations. This limit also applies to printers.
  • Software support for Drew hardware will continue as long as possible, but not typically more than 5 years. It is possible that some computers may fall outside of Drew minimum system requirements for specific versions of software.
  • Printers, special order items (like high-end monitors or LCD monitors), and other peripheral devices not included as part of the standard computer configuration are not supported by University Technology. They fall under the standard warranty of the manufacturer.
  • Consumables, such as laptop batteries, diskettes, toner, etc, are the responsibility of the user.
  • Requests for software, databases, and related materials to be distributed by University Technology require appropriate licensing and/or proof of authorization to distribute.
  • Packages that impact the stability of user or lab computers, or network stability, will be refused distribution.
  • User support for course-specific software is the responsibility of the software’s sponsor.
  • We will not distribute or assist in the purchase of any product that replaces a Drew standard package.
  • Software will only become “standard” upon review by technology directors along with relevant users or committees. Once accepted, support (Service Center, training, licensing) will be provided by University Technology as is relevant.
  • Support for older versions of software will continue as long as the majority of User Services staff can support it. This period is approximately 4-5 years for major applications, such as word processors, and less for licensed applications in cases where new releases or their logical replacements are freely available and supported.
  • Updates to licensed software will be made available to appropriate parties after they have been tested and verified by University Technology.

All faculty and staff offices have at least one network jack. Residence halls have one wired connection per room with extra connections in study areas, lounges, and locations like the Ehinger Center and the University Library. Wireless networking covers all residence halls, nearly all academic and public spaces, as well as some outdoor locations. Members of the Drew community can access their Drew network resources while off-campus through their own ISP and remote-access technologies.


It is difficult, if not impossible, to guarantee complete wireless coverage in every part of every campus building in every situation. Factors such as environment, population, furnishings, and use of other equipment that may contribute to interference will change wireless coverage dynamically. University Technology attempts to provide “good” or better coverage in 90% or more of all covered campus buildings.

UT cannot guarantee coverage for all types of wireless devices. Testing is done on Drew standard laptops, and in most cases handhelds, tablets, game consoles, and other devices should work adequately. However, differences in hardware may mean certain devices cannot get a wireless signal.

There are 2 wireless network names (SSIDs) in most locations: drew and drew1x. The “drew” connection requires no wireless authentication. The “drew1x” connection requires authentication (using your Drew uLogin credentials). Not all devices can support wireless authentication.

For more information on connecting to either the wired or wireless networks, please see the Internet Access documentation on U-KNOW.