
The Alan Candiotti Fund for Innovation in Technology and Education.

alan candiotti fund

 Alan Candiotti was a long time math faculty member, and from 1994 until his death in 2013 also served as Assistant Vice President for University Technology. His impact on Drew’s technology program was substantial; as a faculty member he was one of the key implementers of the Computer Initiative in 1984; he oversaw the installation of Drew’s first local area networks in the late 1990s; supported numerous initiatives for faculty innovation and staff technology development; and led University Technology in the Drew 360 implementation. He was also a valued leader and mentor to the entire University Technology staff, led numerous initiatives for the University at the executive level, and was universally recognized by students, faculty, staff and administration as a voice of wisdom about all matters in the University.

The Alan Candiotti Fund for Innovation in Technology and Education is established in memory of Dr. Alan Candiotti, in recognition of his legacy of leadership at Drew, his enthusiastic commitment to innovation in the integration of technology and the liberal arts, and his longstanding dedication to his students and colleagues. The Fund is distributed to faculty and staff members in support of innovative technology projects that improve the quality of instruction and enhance learning opportunities and experiences for Drew students.

Improvement of the quality of instruction and/or enhancement of learning opportunities for Drew students must be the basis of each project. Ideas can encompass curricular or co-curricular activities, and in some cases be related to administrative areas. Fund budgets can be used for hardware, software, services, student employment, and a stipend/honorarium for the applicant.

Who can apply?

Faculty and staff who have an innovative project that can positively influence the learning environment for students. Technology staff are available to grant recipients as a resource to ensure a successful project.

How do I apply?

Please fill out this application form. 

Proposals should contain:

  • A brief summary of the project
  • Budget (hardware, software, other costs)
  • Personnel needed (student employment, tech fellows, ITC or UT staff resources with whom to coordinate)
  • A description of the assessment plan for the project (how we will know if the project is successful or not).

Proposals will be evaluated on:

  • Evidence of innovation in technology (using new technologies, existing technologies in different ways, or technologies in a new way for Drew)
  • Whether the project is self-contained; i.e., it can exist as a single semester course, or a one-time initiative that can be a pilot for future funding. The Candiotti Fund will not be able to fund projects with an ongoing annual budget.
  • Evidence of potential for improvement of the quality of instruction and/or the enhancement of student learning opportunities
  • Robustness of the assessment plan for the effectiveness of the project

It is expected that projects will be completed in the fall or spring semesters of the 2023-2024 academic year. Fund recipients will be expected to submit a project report and their completed assessment of the project to the Candiotti Fund committee, who will use the results to further improve future projects and for strategic planning.>

Project ideas:

  • Implementing new technology in an existing course.
  • Designing a new course around an innovative technology.
  • Student affairs projects that improve the living/learning environment on campus.
  • Technology implementation for experiential learning experiences, or off-campus programs.
  • A pilot project designed to evaluate the viability of a specific technology in a widespread project, for which other funding would then be sought.
  • Other ideas as developed by applicants–please feel free to communicate with the Fund committee to explore the viability of a proposal.

Review the projects completed by previous grant recipients for more ideas. 

Timeline for 2024-2025 Applications

  • April 8:  Application form opens
  • May 1:  Proposals due
  • First week of May:  Recipients determined
  • 2024-25 Academic year:  Project is completed, report submitted to the committee
  • Spring 2025 or Fall 2025:  Presentation of project to faculty and staff

Candiotti Fund Committee

  • Shawn Spaventa- Director of Instructional Technology
  • Danielle Reay- Digital Initiatives Manager
  • Jenna Corraro- Instructional Designer
  • Nick Kilgore- Coordinator of Media Services

Rose Memorial Undergraduate Library Artist in Residence, Spring 2023:

The Library and Instructional Technology Departments invite applications from undergraduate artists working in any medium taking as their inspiration library collections. The residency and project should be connected to library collections located in the main library (Rose Memorial Library) and primarily grounded in research, digital tools or methods, or experimental or non-traditional scholarship. The artist is invited to conduct research using the library collection or interpret the structures, organization, space, data, information technologies, print and non-print material of the library, or consider the library as place in creative and innovative ways. This is a paid position. The fellow will be asked to present their work in the form of a physical or digital exhibit, a public workshop, installation or performance, or an artist talk.

Description of Duties:

  • The fellow is asked to demonstrate substantial engagement with Rose Library materials during the fellowship and commit to using the physical library at least once a week.
  • Prepare a talk, exhibit, workshop, or performance to be presented at the end of the fellowship.
  • Submit documentation or surrogates of the completed work to be preserved in the Drew University Digital Repository. It is expected that this work will have been informed by the artist’s research at the library.

Application materials:

  • Current C.V. or Resume
  • Artist Statement
  • A brief description (250-word maximum) of your project including specific resources you may require while in residency to achieve your project goals.
  • Optional: Link to professional website and/or portfolio

Applications will be evaluated on the strength of their incorporation of library collections, originality of the approach, as well as the implementation of new or re-imagined uses of technology.

Application deadline: January 6th, 2023

An Information session will be held on Wednesday, December 7th at 4pm. Registration details may be found here .

For questions, more information, or to submit your application materials, please contact Danielle Reay, dreay@drew.edu

Video Production Assistant

Do you have an interest in video production? Want to get behind a camera or hone your editing skills? Better yet, want to get paid for not only your work but your training as well? Fill out an interest form for the Drew Media and Video Team today! We promise that this DMV is nothing like the one you’re familiar with

For questions or more information please contact Nick Kilgore, nkilgore@drew.edu