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Featured Stories
Read interviews and stories about Drew students as they use their education to make change, and change the world to be a better place!
- Interview with Emilee Marshall C’22 Student Spotlight
- Gabby Ramirez C’23 Spearheads Textbook Lending Library
- Interview with Avianna Miller C’23 Student Spotlight
- Advantage Arts Program Returns to the Stage Drew Stories
- Interview with Kira Scarangella C’18 Alumni Spotlight
Featured Stories 2020-21
- Interview with Jalyssa Matos C’22 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Sidney Resnik C’22 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Rachel Papa C’23 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Donyah Richardson-Thurmond C’23 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Spencer Harrington C’21 Student Spotlight
- Drew University Alum, Jen Siaca Curry C’05, Recognized for Social Impact Work
- Interview with Melanie Haber ’22 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Matheus Ishizuka da Silva C’22 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Shadayah Tucker C’21 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Hannah Goldbach C’21 Student Spotlight
- Drew University Student, Nohemy Zabala C’21 Joins Local Housing Authority
- Interview with Violet Kimble C’21 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Julia Sinatra ‘C22 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Gabrielle Lugbauer C’22 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Cassidy Conklin C’22 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Marwa Elessawy C’22 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Gabrielle (Bri) Rooks C’22 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Antonio Boffa C’21 Student Spotlight
- Student Spotlight: Shawn Backe C’21
- Weathering the Election Storm, Drew community shares their thoughts.
- Interview with Nohemy Zabala C’21 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Gabriella Ramirez C’23 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Kareena Salvi C’23 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Lauren Mastropierro C’18 Alumni Spotlight
- Interview with Delaney Redford C’22 Student Spotlight
- Interview with Victoria Adams C’21 Student Spotlight
- Internships, a fellowship and off-campus volunteering set Gabriella Ramirez C’23 up for success!
Featured Stories 2019-20
- Interview with Tess Liddy C’20 Student Spotlight.
- Drew University Alum, Iliana Mendez, flourishes with Teach for America.
- Interview with Alyssa Sileo C’22 Student Spotlight.
- Interview with Michael Kitsopoulos C’20 Student Spotlight.
- Drew University AmeriCorps Changebuilder Coordinator Alex Pearce C’18 works overtime in the fight against COVID-19.
- Interview with Gwen Lyne Wong C’20 Student Spotlight.
- Interview with Vincent Costa C’20 Student Spotlight.
- Drew University’s Social Policy & Inequality in America community-based learning class creates content for Interfaith Food Pantry.
- Interview with Kevin Oates C’ 20 Student Spotlight.
- Interview with Kelly Hartwick C’20 Student Spotlight.
- Interview with Alexa Fitzgerald C’20 Student Spotlight.
- Kim Haupt C’23 shifts her community service efforts during pandemic to start a Food Drive.
- National Recognition for Drew Theater Faculty, specifically through their Community Based Learning (CBL) classes.
- Five undergraduate students and Jonathan Golden continue service project for Community Based Learning course amid pandemic.
- Stefanie DeFronzo C’20 and Marina Hahn C’20 adjust their Senior Civic Scholar project on the fly amid pandemic.
- Drew Contingent Spends Winter Break Volunteering in New Orleans.
- Virginia Leach C’20 with a justice-forward mindset on Diversity & Inclusion.
- Drew University Celebrates MLK Day with service activities!
- Civic Scholar Stefanie DeFronzo C’20 is removing the stereotype that scientist can’t write.
- Drew University student builds a library for girls in Kabul. Making a difference one book at a time.
- Drew students experience state politics in Trenton trip. Learning from seeing government in action!
- #Drew23 starts year with day of service. Getting their hands dirty and serving with a smile!
- Drew University and the Drew Student Voter Project take first place in the NJ Ballot Bowl.