What is it?
The Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) pairs students with faculty and staff mentors to conduct primary research using digital humanities over the summer. The research groups will meet weekly with each other to report on progress, share challenges and successes, and learn more about DH approaches and projects.
When does it take place?
The institute will run from May 20- through June 14, 2024.
What are faculty expected to do?
Faculty and staff should have a research project that includes a significant Digital Humanities component on which students can collaborate. These projects can be anywhere in their lifetime, from the very beginning to an advanced stage. Faculty and staff will meet with their students during the entire duration of the institute and to attend the several joint weekly meetings of the entire group. They will present with their students in the fall. Depending on the project, technical training may be available for both faculty, staff, and students.
What are students expected to do?
Students will work on their projects full time during the duration of the institute. They will be expected to report to the group at the weekly meetings that will take place during the institute. In the fall, students will present their work. During the institute, students will stay on campus in housing provided by the university, unless they are able to commute regularly to campus.
Are there stipends?
There are stipends for all faculty, staff, & student participants for the four weeks. Students receive $350 each week and faculty/staff team leads $250.
When is the application deadline?
March 22, 2024
How do I apply?
Applications for DHSI 2024 are available now.