Semester on Contemporary Art

This 4-credit program is offered every fall semester, and students have the option of registering to go into the city on either Wednesdays or Fridays. Classes begin in late August and end in mid-December. This program is a mandatory course for Drew art and art history students.

nycTREC Information Session: Semester on Contemporary Art (Fall)

Date: Wednesday, February 19th
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, February 26th
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, March 5th
Time: 5:00 PM
Location: Zoom Link

Each nycTREC has an associated program fee, which is posted each semester in the Course Catalog. Students receive a grant to cover round-trip transportation to New York City from Madison and program-related events and activities.

All of your Drew University financial assistance, whether merit or need-based, may be applied to all Drew-sponsored semester programs

Program Course


ART/ARTH 385 - New York Semester on Contemporary Art

ART/ARTH 385 – New York Semester on Contemporary Art

4 Credits

The New York Semester on Contemporary Art offers students the unique and exciting opportunity to learn about the ongoing history of art since 1945 through the combination of reading, class presentation and discussion, and visits to artists’ studios, museum and gallery exhibitions and public art projects. By pursuing each of these paths of discovery students learn about the major movements associated with the postwar period (Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Minimalism, Feminist Art, and others) as well as overarching themes of expression (identity, for example), changing processes and modes of making, interpretive methodologies, expanding definitions of art, relationships between art theory and practice, and the roles of art institutions and cultural workers (critics, curators, historians) in mediating the experience of contemporary art.

Permission of instructor required. Signature of instructor required for registration. 

Prerequisite course: ARTH 306

Offered every Fall semester

CLA-Writing Intensive, CLA-Off Campus Experience