Drew Learning Support Program
If you are interested in learning more about the program, please complete the Interest Form below, contact Dana Giroux at 973-408-3962, or send an email to dlsp@drew.edu.
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- Drew Learning Support Program
Highlights of the Drew Learning Support Program include:
Weekly meetings with a Learning Support Specialist
Students meet weekly with their Learning Support Specialist for a minimum of 30 minutes, twice a week. During the meeting, students work with their Learning Support Specialist to identify exam and assignment due dates and adjust their weekly study schedule as needed. The Learning Support Specialist also assists students in developing a comprehensive semester plan that includes articulating academic and personal goals, setting up a planner for the semester, and identifying actions that will help enhance executive functioning performance.
Academic Skills and Campus Life Workshops
The Learning Support Specialist will facilitate workshops designed to promote success in all aspects of college life.
The program supports the student’s entire career at Drew by placing a special focus on individual needs relevant to each year.
The first- and second-year prioritizes:
- Adjusting to campus life
- Connecting with campus and community resources
- Enhancing academic skills
- Increasing self-advocacy skills
- Supporting service-learning opportunities
Third- and fourth-year prioritizes:
- Identifying successful transferable executive function skills and strategies to utilize after college
- Working with campus partners to assist with travel-learning opportunities, internship opportunities, career planning, and the overall transition after college
Goals of the Drew Learning Support Program:
- Enhancing executive functioning and study skills
- Increasing awareness of strengths and challenges inside and outside the classroom
- Learning about campus resources and using them in timely and strategic ways
- Developing self-advocacy and decision-making skills
Secondary Advising
The Learning Support Specialist works with the student’s academic advisor to provide guidance and support for advising-related needs and concerns.
Mid-Semester Progress Report
During the 5th week of the semester, the Learning Support Specialist will communicate with instructors regarding the student’s attendance, participation, and current grades. This information is shared with the students and parents to identify any adjustments or additional supports needed.
End-of-Semester Progress Report
The Learning Support Specialist will communicate with the students and parents at the end of every semester to provide an overview of the student’s academic experience and personal growth, describe executive functioning development, and identify program support plans for the following term.
I just want to request academic accommodations. Do I have to enroll in the Drew Learning Support Program to receive accommodations?
What is a Learning Support Specialist?
What will I do when I meet with a Learning Support Specialist?
How will the Drew Learning Support Program help me?
When is the best time to apply?
Who do I contact for more information about the Drew Learning Support Program?
Will program costs be refunded if I withdraw during the semester?
What is the fee for the program?
For the 24-25 academic year the fee for the program is $2500/semester.