Library Services and Resources


Welcome to Rose Memorial Library! The Drew University Libraries and Special Collections’ mission is to partner with our diverse user communities by engaging in new and collaborative approaches to support information access, research and scholarship.


Both the Drew Community and the public have access to the library during our regular open hours. The Library is also available to current Drew ID card-holding students, faculty and staff during Study Hours. Visitors, resident/resident clergy borrowers, alumni, visiting scholars and VALE members may visit the library only during public hours.

Visitor Information (Effective 8/28/2023)

All visitors (with the exception of current Drew students, faculty and staff) are required to sign in at the circulation desk on Level C when they arrive.  A valid photo identification (e.g., a current driver’s license, state identification card or college/university/high school identification) is required.  A visitors badge will be provided to be visibly worn by guests.  Visitors have access to in-house use of our library collections during regular hours, a public computer on Level C, and Drew University’s free, campus-wide internet service for their mobile devices.



Drew alumni are eligible for free annual borrowing privileges at the library but they must first obtain an Alumni Card with the Alumni Community office. After obtaining an Alumni Card, they should then register with Drew Library, where they may check out up to 20 items at one time for a 30-day, non-renewable loan period.  Alumni have limited access to E-resources, while interlibrary loan and recall options are not available.  Alumni borrowers are subject to replacement fees for any lost items.

Resident/Resident Clergy

A Resident borrowing card is available to New Jersey residents only for a fee of $75/year.  A Resident Clergy borrowing card is available to New Jersey clergy for $25/year. (Fees may be paid by check, payable to Drew University.)  Resident and Resident Clergy patrons may check out up to 10 items at one time for a 30-day, non-renewable loan period, with no access to E-resources, interlibrary loan and recall options. Resident/Resident Clergy borrowers are subject to replacement fees for any lost items.

Visiting Scholars

Requests for visiting scholar privileges must first be sent to and approved by the Drew Library Director. Once approved, Access Services will issue the applicant a library card.  There is no fee associated with visiting scholar privileges, which are granted for a specific period of time, up to a maximum of one year. Scholars may apply for an extension by submitting a written request to the Drew Library Director. Visiting scholars may check out up to 10 items at one time for a 30-day loan period with four renewals per item.  Interlibrary loan and recall privileges may be granted to visiting scholars.  Visiting scholars are subject to replacement fees for any lost items.


Drew University is a member of VALE (the Virtual Academic Library Environment) consortium, whose participating members are listed at VALE Reciprocal Borrowing List. In order to participate, faculty, staff and students at VALE-affiliate institutions must first complete the applicant section of the VALE Reciprocal Borrowing Application.  The form must then be completed by a designated representative of the applicant’s home library.  Original, completed applications should be brought to the Drew Circulation Desk, where an Access Services Supervisor will review it and then issue the applicant a library card.  VALE library card patrons may check out up to 10 items for a 30-day loan period. One renewal per item may be requested by speaking with an access services supervisor or emailing Interlibrary loan and recall options are not available. VALE card holders are subject to replacement fees for any lost items.


Zoned Space: In an effort to make the library a more user-friendly environment for everyone, Drew Library has created a zone system for our physical spaces. Social  Zones, where patrons’ conversation and collaboration are welcome, are indicated by green signs. Quiet Zones, where speaking volume should be kept to a minimum, are indicated by yellow signs. In Silent Zones, indicated by red signs, patrons must maintain silence and be respectful of others’ privacy. These zones apply to all library patrons and visitors, including the public.

Food Policy: Food and beverages are welcome in most areas of the library, with the expectation that proper disposal of garbage will be the responsibility of those doing the eating and drinking. Our goal is to make the library a welcoming and comfortable place for students to meet, hang out and study. Please review our food policy for more details.


Placing a Hold on the Drew Library Website

Current Drew Library students, faculty and staff members are welcome to place holds on selected library materials. To place a hold, please go to our catalog at  and log into your account (click the Account icon on the upper right).

Once signed in, perform a search for the desired item. If the item is in our collection, a new menu will appear showing the item as either “available,” (a green check box) or “not available,” (a red check box).

If available, click on the “Place a Hold” icon, and a new “Place Hold” menu will appear, listing the item’s info and where to pick it up. Click on the “Place Hold” icon at the bottom of the menu.  (If the place hold button does not appear on the item, it is non-circulating and a hold may not be placed.)

A new revised menu will appear stating that your hold has been successfully placed, and that you will be contacted by email once it’s available for pickup.

If the “Place Hold” button appears on an item that is not available, it means that the item is checked out by another patron.  However, you may still place a hold on it. Click the “Place a Hold” icon and a new “Place Hold” menu will appear, showing an option to receive the first available copy of the item. Click the “Place Hold” icon at the bottom of the menu and a new menu will appear confirming that you are waitlisted to receive the item.

To remove a hold, sign in and click on the “My Bookshelf” icon at the top of the catalog home page and a new My Bookshelf menu will appear. Click on the “remove hold” button at the lower right corner of your hold item and a popup will appear asking if you’re sure you want to remove the hold. Click remove hold and another pop up will confirm the removal.

Item holds will be available at the library’s Circulation Desk within 24 hours and labeled with the patron’s name. All items must be checked out by our circulation staff when picked up. Hold requests are limited to 10 items per patron and will be held for a maximum of 10 days. Any questions, please contact Access Services at or (973) 408-3486.

Group study spaces: Our library offers five group study rooms available by reservation. Choose a space in advance or visit the circulation desk to reserve a space in-person.

Private study space: We currently offer five Day Carrels (small, cubicle-like rooms) that you can check out for the day. Visit the circulation desk to check one out.

Media Collection:  If you’d like to view a film in our physical media collection stop by the circulation desk. We can find the desired item and help you choose the best option for viewing. If you want to view something on your own laptop, we have headphones and external disk drives. We also have TVs in the library that can play a variety of film formats.

Access to Information Resources:

  • To begin a search for books or journal articles that Drew may have, check ScholarSearch. For remote access to electronic resources, including journal articles and e-books, visit our Research Resources page. For instructions, refer to the Remote User Services page. Instructors are encouraged to replace physical resources with digital resources where possible, using materials that are available in the library’s full-text databases or that are freely available online. Library resources can be linked directly from Moodle.
  • Drew University has access to a variety of primary source databases that can be accessed online. These are accessible through the Primary Sources Guide (PDF), Online Primary Resources (LibGuide) or through the alphabetical list of resources available on the Drew Library website. Licensed resources require a Drew University log-in.

Research Help and Consultation:

To contact our librarians, please use Library CHAT on the Library website or in Moodle.  If Library CHAT is unavailable, please choose another option on the Ask a Librarian page or visit Library FAQ  . For general Reference and Research Services information contact us at  or (973) 408-3588.

Library Reference Materials: Reference materials may only be used within the library .

  1. Reference collection items are available for browsing but do not circulate. Please use the library scanner located on Level C if you would like to copy a section of a reference work.  If needed, please ask for help at the Circulation Desk or at Research Help Desk when staffed.
  2. Can’t come to the library but still need reference materials? Please email and we will explore other possible alternatives.

Library Instruction: For consultation on integrating digital sources into courses, to schedule a Library Instruction session or to plan library assignments designed for on-site and remote learners, please either write to or submit a request. A librarian will be in touch soon thereafter to offer assistance.

Circulation and Reserves:

  • All patrons are welcome to browse our stacks and select the items they wish to check out. To check out a book from the library’s circulating collection, you may retrieve it from the stacks and bring it to the circulation desk, or place it on hold and it will be ready to pick up at Circulation.  If you need assistance locating or retrieving items, please visit the circulation desk or reach out by email to
  • To view your loans or renew items, login to my library account . If you have any questions, please email
  • Reserve books may be checked out for two hours and reserve films for up to four hours, for use within the library only. Instructors interested in placing materials on reserve can use the Reserve Placement Request.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL): If you would like to request loans or scans of material that Drew does not own, you may place an ILL request. Scan/copy requests typically take 1-to-2 business days, while loan requests may take from 1-to-2 weeks. If you need a specific format (for example, an eBook rather than a physical book loan) please be sure to include that in the request notes prior to submitting your ILL request. Also, please keep in mind that eBook loans are typically more difficult to obtain than hard-copy books.

Special Collections and Archives: We welcome visitors to our Special Collections and Archives. Please review the Reading Room Policies; certain collections are limited access and we may ask that you make an appointment prior to your visit.


  • Color and B/W printers are available for Drew Community Members. You may print from the computer stations next to the printers or from your personal computer.
  • Instructions for adding this printer to your computer are available here: Printing with ePRINTit
  • Printing does not work from phones or flash drives.
  • Contact the University Technology (UT) Helpdesk  on Level C for help with printers.

Computer Helpdesk: University Technology Helpdesk staff and students provide walk up services for computer problems and accept appointments for equipment pickup/drop-off. Service updates, hours and contact information are available on the UT website .

Instructional Technology and Media Resource Center:

See for service updates, hours and contact information.

Center for Academic Excellence (CAE):

The CAE is offering both online and in person appointments. Please go to the WCOnline landing page for updates to CAE resources.

Still have questions? For answers to most other reference questions, please visit the Library FAQs webpage or email us at Library staff will respond to queries when library services are available. If you have general questions about any library services, email