Call Health Services at 973-408-3414 or log into your health portal to schedule an appointment. If you are not sure that you need a visit, ask to speak to a nurse who can help you decide. Most common illnesses and minor injuries can be treated on campus. If you are seriously ill, you might be referred to the hospital or an off-campus specialist.
Students are encouraged to correspond directly with faculty as soon as possible regarding any illnesses that may result in absenteeism from class. Health Services does not give excuse notes for students to miss class for routine, short-term illnesses. If there is a significant, prolonged illness and the student and Health Services staff believe that providing information could facilitate appropriate academic accommodations, the Health Service will communicate with the Office of Accessibility Resources/Academic Services with the student’s permission.
For any emergency, call Campus Security (973-408-3379) or 911 for immediate assistance. For a list of local urgent care centers for medical care when the Health Service is closed, visit our Emergency Information page under After-Hours Medical Care.
If you did not complete all of your admissions health requirements, there will be a health hold on your account until requirements are met. First, check your email or “Messages” in your health portal, as you may have received communications from the Health Service explaining what you are missing. You can also check the homepage of your health portal. If you  have questions, contact our office by phone: 973-408-3414 or email: health@drew.edu to speak to a staff member. Visit our New Students: Submitting Your Health Forms page for full instructions and requirements.
Yes. Students who take prescription and/or over the counter medications are responsible for obtaining, storing, and administering their own medications.
Condoms are available for no charge at the Health Service and during Health Service programming.
YES. Most sexually transmitted infections can be diagnosed and treated on campus.
Yes. You would need to bring a prescription from your healthcare provider who is requesting the bloodwork if it was not ordered by one of our clinicians. We send all bloodwork specimens to Lab Corp, so be sure Lab Corp is covered under your insurance before scheduling an appointment.
Yes. The rapid HIV test requires an oral swab or a fingerstick for a blood sample and results are immediately available (fees may apply). The Health Service can also prescribe PrEP, and conduct the recommended testing. The HIV Clinic in Morristown also provides free HIV testing as well as PrEP counseling by appointment, call 973-889-6810 for further information. Free HIV testing clinics are usually held during each semester.
Your medical care is strictly confidential , and no information will be released to families, faculty, administrators, insurance companies, or anyone else, without your written permission. The only exceptions are:

  • If suicide or homicide is threatened;
  • If you are in a life-threatening condition, medical information will be released to the professionals who are providing care, or to others on a need to know basis. Exception: HIV status will not be released;
  • If you are hospitalized, the VP/Dean of Campus Life and Student Affairs will be notified;
  • If we are required by law to report some communicable diseases, or by a subpoena. Immunization status must be available to University officials and state inspectors to comply with N.J. law.
Yes. The Health Service holds several flu clinics during the fall semester, and flu shots are also available by appointment as supplies last.
As of March 1, 2024, the CDC updated its guidance, which now consolidates guidance for COVID-19 with that for other respiratory viruses (such as influenza and RSV) and no longer calls for a specific five-day isolation period for COVID-19. Therefore: 

Students who test positive for COVID-19 will no longer be required to isolate for five days. Similar to those who are ill with other respiratory viruses such as the flu, they are advised to self-isolate (stay away from others as much as possible, including class and other public spaces) until, for a period of 24 hours:

  • symptoms have been improving overall, AND
  • they have been fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication.  

The guidance encourages added precautions over the next five days after time at home, away from others, is over. Since some people remain contagious beyond the “stay-at-home” period, a period of added precaution using prevention strategies, such as taking more steps for cleaner air, enhancing hygiene practices, wearing a well-fitting mask, keeping a distance from others, and/or getting tested for respiratory viruses can lower the chance of spreading respiratory viruses to others.

There will no longer be any formal institutional determination or monitoring of return-to-class dates. As with other short-term acute illnesses, students should communicate directly with faculty and exercise their own best judgment about when to return based on these recommendations. 

Students are not required to notify the Health Service of a positive COVID-19 test for notification purposes. We do, however, encourage students to contact the Health Service and schedule an appointment for evaluation of a respiratory illness for advice and possible testing.

In our continuing commitment to provide quality, cost-effective care, we welcome your comments and concerns. We encourage you to discuss policies or procedures with the Health Service staff directly.