
Media Request Form

Use this form to request that library staff provide a DVD or a streaming version of a film for use in your courses. We will try to acquire a streaming license first. Before completing this form, please check the Library Catalog to make certain that we don’t already own or license the item you need. Also check Swank, Kanopy and Academic Video Online for availability. You may request films directly through the Swank and Kanopy sites (if available) instead of using this form. Refer to the Media at the Drew Library LibGuide for detailed instructions.

If a streaming license is not available on one of those sites:

  • Please consider a public streaming site. Many students already have access to Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. Use the site justwatch.com to search for availability.
  • We will purchase a DVD for the library collection, for use in classes. See “How to request a film” – borrowing films and reserves for procedures.

Submit one request per form. Requests will be processed according to the dates that the films are required for courses.

For films in a foreign language, please indicate whether you require English sub-titles, whether you don’t want the film without English sub-titles, whether you don’t care.
If Yes, contact Student Activities, stuactiv@drew.edu, phone 408-3924.
(Any information you have about this film, including information on where it may be purchased.)

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