Declaration or Change of Major and Minor – College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Student Instructions

To declare or change your major or minor:

    • You must be logged into Chrome or other web browser through your Drew account in order to access the above link
    • If the above link is not working, please copy the following URL into a new window:
    • You will be directed to the major/minor form to enter your desired action (see “Declare or Change Major/Minor Submission Instructions” at the bottom of this page for detailed instructions)
    • If you do not see the major or minor you wish to declare or change, please follow Steps 1-4 below

Follow Steps 1-4 below ONLY under the following circumstances:

  • If you want to change your degree from BA to BS or BS to BA
  • If the major or minor you want to declare is not available at the above link
  • If you want to change the catalog year of your major or minor
  • If you want to drop a concentration

***If none of these circumstances apply to you, use the HERE link highlighted in yellow above.

Step 1: Confirm your current degree in TreeHouse under the Student tab in the  Academic Profile box.


Step 2: Submit  CLA Degree/Catalog Change Request with your student information and the major or minor you are attempting to request ONLY if you meet one of the four bulleted conditions enumerated above. If you do not meet one of these conditions, use the HERE link at the top of this webpage.

Step 3: Wait for the confirmation email from the Office of the Registrar that your record has been updated.

Step 4: Submit the major or minor request by clicking the HERE link at the top of this page.

  • Open the Declare or Change Major/Minor form.
  • The workflow will display your current Major(s) and Minor(s).
  • Under the appropriate heading for the change you want to make (Major Add/Drop or Minor Add/Drop) select an action (Add or Drop) from the “Action” drop-down and select the major/minor from the “Discipline” drop-down and click the ‘Submit” button.

Declaring Your Major | Drew University 

  • You will receive a confirmation message that “Your request to [Action, Add or Drop] [Discipline] as your [Major or Minor] has been submitted.”  Please see an example below:

confirmation of major declaration

  • The request will be routed to the appropriate Department Chair for review.
  • You will receive an automated email from stating that your request has either been Approved or Rejected once the Department Chair submits a decision.

Approval of Major