
Update on the Strategic Plan, 8/16/24

To the Drew Community,

As you are aware, in keeping with common practice for new institutional leaders and with the encouragement and support of the University’s Trustees, early in my first year as president I launched a “Strategic Visioning” process, with wide participation from our community including input from faculty, staff, administration, students and Trustees. This process was ably led by Dr. John Mills and the Strategic Working Group composed of:

Brianne Barker – Associate Professor, Biology

Stacy Fischer – Executive Director, Launch

Louise Hood – Assistant Vice President, Advancement

Dong Sung Kim – Assistant Professor, Hebrew Bible

Monica Madera – Coordinator, Diversity Program

Tami Navarro – Assistant Professor and Chair, Africana Studies Program

Christa Racine – Director, Athletics

Raúl Rosales – Professor, Spanish

Shawn Spaventa – Director, Instructional Technology

I want to personally and publicly thank these individuals for their incredible dedication and hard work in creating a process and product that was thoughtful, comprehensive and forward-thinking, while providing an honest and constructive framework of who we are as a community and institution. In addition to this group, my thanks go out to the many “stakeholders” engaged throughout the visioning process, whose input has been invaluable.

Today I share with you our draft Strategic Framework, based on the work of and the document produced by the working group. The document does not include specific tactics for the items in the Strategic Framework, though many of the tactics suggested by the working group have been incorporated into the document and will be more fully fleshed out this fall.

You are invited to provide feedback on the Strategic Framework via this link. Your input will inform the finalization of the Strategic Framework and the development of the tactics and day-to-day operational plans.

Please save the date for my State of the University Address on Wednesday, September 18 at 4:15 p.m. in the Concert Hall which will be followed by a reception.

Thank you for all you continue to do for Drew. With gratitude for our community and optimism for the future, I send my best wishes for the end of the summer and the launch of the academic year.

Hilary L. Link, Ph.D.


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