Drew is so much more than a place to earn your degree. It’s where you’ll meet some of your closest friends. Get connected to life-changing mentors. Learn in ways that could take you around the globe, or straight into the real world of professional life, meaningful community action, and leading social change.

You are about to embark on an amazing journey. And at Drew University, we make sure that journey is grounded in big experiences and bold thinking. Everything we do, all that we are, is designed to supercharge your chance for success.

It all starts with LAUNCH, our only-at-Drew career development platform that helps you synthesize your academic and co-curricular experiences, and craft a narrative that articulates your skills and defines your focus. You’ll thank us for that – in every job interview you ever have.

Because this is when things start to get interesting. Opportunities open up. Mentors appear. Adventures take shape. This is epic.

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