Level Fall Spring

Year 1 or 2

NEUR-101: Intro. to Neuroscience BIOL-160: Diversity of Life
CHEM-150/151: General Chemistry I CHEM-160/161: General Chemistry II

Year 2


BIOL-250: Molecular & Cell Biology

STAT-207: Intro to Statistics (Spring of Year 1 or Fall of Year 2)

NEUR-210: Research Methods

Year 3 or 4


NEUR-346: Systems Neuro.

NEUR-354: Cognitive Neuro.

NEUR-356: Cell & Molecular Neuro

Year 2-4

(12 credits) from a list of approved NEUR, BIOL, CHEM, PSYC, ANTH, PHIL, PHYS, MATH, or LING courses.  Recently offered elective courses include: Diseases of the Brain, Endocrinology, Neuroethics, Rhythms of the Brain, Computational Modeling of Neural Systems, Primatology, Anatomy and Physiology I, Animal Behavior, Biochemistry, Intermediate Statistics, Philosophy of Mind, Learning and Behavior, Cognition, Language, etc.

Year 4


NEUR-400: Capstone Seminar


NEUR-411: Specialized Honors in Neuro.