
Drew Posts

You are viewing categorized posts: Environmental Studies and Sustainability

Two Drew University Alums Serve as Americorps Watershed Ambassadors

Recent grads Jessie Lisanti and Daniel Magda take lessons, passions from Drew into the real world

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Drew University Celebrates Earth Week

A student-organized mission towards sustainability and environmentalism

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Saffet Catovic T’18 Makes Significant Impact on Islamic Environmentalism

The Imam and DMin candidate shares his groundbreaking global work

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Drew University Class of 2023 Outcomes: Rachel Papa

Rachel Papa C’22 graduated a semester early and now works in Drew’s Admissions office May 2023 – The members of the Drew University College of Liberal Arts Class of 2023 are set to graduate and start their careers and continue their educations in an array of disciplines, fields, and subjects. Rachel Papa C’22 came into […]

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