Students seeking private lesson instruction for the first time in voice or on an instrument.

Music Instruction Placement

All students registering for lessons for the first time must be placed into the appropriate section of voice or instrumental lessons before registering for the class, if a student attempts to register without placement, they will receive a “Prerequisite and Test Score” registration error message. “Music Instruction Placement” will require students to contact the coordinator of their area of study before registering for lessons:

  • Voice students shall contact Prof. Trevor Weston at tweston@drew.edu (Department Chair) and will have an audition/interview with the voice faculty to assess your background and current level of vocal ability, in order to match you with the appropriate instructor.
  • Instrumental students shall contact Prof. David Iskowitz, at diskowitz@drew.edu (Coordinator of Private Instrumental Studies) for an interview and placement with the appropriate instructor.

You will not be able to register for lessons if you have not been placed into a section.

Students continuing to take lessons with their instructor can register for lessons with their appropriate PIN. 

Students seeking to take lessons on a new instrument must be placed into a section even if they are/have taken lessons on a different instrument.

Private lessons are given on a weekly basis and cost $50 per 30-minute lesson ($600 per semester for twelve 30-minute lessons), and $75 per 45-minute lesson ($900 per semester for twelve 45-minute lessons). These fees are assessed to student accounts when the course is added to the student’s schedule. The fee applies regardless of the number of credits for which a student is registered. Students who drop lessons during the drop/add period will receive a refund of this fee, minus the cost of any lessons already received before dropping the course. Students who drop lessons after the final drop/add date will not receive a refund and will receive a W on their transcripts for the course. The final drop/add date is usually approximately 14 days after the first day of classes of each semester.

The Music Department has limited funds to offer financial assistance to CLA students for the cost of lessons. Awards of 50% of lesson fees are granted based on need (as determined by the Financial Aid office), with priority given to music majors/minors, or to members of any Music Department vocal or instrumental ensemble.

Fill in the form, below, to apply for a lesson scholarship.

Lesson Scholarship Application Form

  • Lesson Scholarships for the current semester are open until September 15, 2024.
  • For awards for Spring semesters, the application deadline is November 20; you will be notified by December 15 of the outcome of your application.
  • For awards for Fall semesters, the application deadline is April 15; you will be notified by June 15 of the outcome of your application.
  • Applications submitted after the deadline and before the end of the add/drop period for the semester in question will be considered if funds are still available.

PLEASE NOTE: Receiving a lesson scholarship for one semester is no guarantee of receiving a scholarship in the future; students must reapply every semester for which they are seeking a scholarship.