Have a project, but not sure how to get started? Want a quiet place to prep for exams or a comfortable space for your study group? Trying to locate a rare book or article? The university library holds 200-plus electronic research resources, more than 900,000 print and electronic books and over 100,000 print and electronic journals that span the academic spectrum. Reference books and ebooks include the most current encyclopedic and specialized sources. You’ll also find a large collection of unique special collections.

Photocopying is currently unavailable.

There is one scanner available on Level C, behind the Research Helpdesk. You can scan to a USB drive or to your Google Drive.

In the Academic Commons area of Level C, the library’s main floor, several PC and Mac computers are available for use by Drew University patrons only. There are also two PCs available for limited general public usage. Login-required computers are restricted to Drew users only, have Microsoft Office Suite installed on them and can access other Drew software via CloudPC.

Most items in the Library are available for circulation. Books are shelved in stacks which are open to the public. A circulating CD-ROM, audio CD, DVD and record collection is located on level C. Some theses and dissertations can be borrowed. Most United States and New Jersey government documents also circulate. Reference books and periodicals do not circulate. Maps and location charts are posted throughout the building to help you locate these materials.

Your Drew University ID card serves as your library card. Drew alumni may register with an alumni card, issued by the alumni office. Resident borrower cards are available for purchase by New Jersey residents over eighteen; ask at the Circulation Desk for details. Report loss of a card to a Circulation Staff supervisor immediately as you are held responsible for any materials checked out in your name.

For all students, books are due on January 1, June 1, and September 1. For University staff, alumni, and residents, the borrowing period is 30 days. Faculty members have longer borrowing periods for books. University students, faculty, and staff may view their library holdings, due dates, and holds through “My Library Account”.

A book is assumed lost when it is 35 days overdue, and a replacement fee of $100.00 is automatically assessed. A large portion of this $100.00 lost book charge may be reduced if the book is returned. Residents and alumni are charged an overdue fine of 10 cents a day.

Books may be renewed by University students and faculty, unless requested by another borrower or needed for Reserves. Materials may be renewed online or with a renewal form. Staff may renew books online up to four times. Alumni in good standing may renew a book one time by calling a Circulation Supervisor. Resident and similar classes of borrowers do not have renewal privileges.

Books listed as “Checked Out” in the online catalog may be recalled if the borrower has had the book for at least 20 days. A search may be requested for books listed in the catalog as “Stacks” which cannot be located. Ask at the Circulation Counter for assistance. Alumni and resident borrowers do not have recall or search privileges.

Please see Borrower Privileges below for more information on qualifications and borrowing privileges.

Borrower Privileges

Specific Information for:

Other Services

  • Mailing Address: Drew University Library, 36 Madison Avenue, Madison NJ 07940
  • Main phone number: 973-408-3486
  • Fax Number: 973-408-3770

Library Feedback Form

We want your feedback!  Please let us know what we’re doing well, where we could improve, and what changes will make the Library a better place. Please complete this form and be as specific as possible (i.e. time, location, staff member).  Thank you for your interest and support.